7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (2024)

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    Learning Objectives

    By the end of this section, you will be able to:

    • Graph quadratic expressions of the form \(y=x^{2}+k\)
    • Graph quadratic expressions of the form \(y=(x−h)^{2}\)
    • Graph quadratic expressions of the form \(y=ax^{2}\)
    • Graph quadratic expressions using transformations
    • Find a quadratic expressions from its graph
    Be Prepared

    Before you get started, take this readiness quiz.

    1. Graph the expressions \(y=x^{2}\) by plotting points.
    2. Factor completely: \(y^{2}−14y+49\).
    3. Factor completely: \(2x^{2}−16x+32\).

    Graph Quadratic Expressions of the Form \(y=x^{2}+k\)

    In the last section, we learned how to graph quadratic expressions using their properties. Another method involves starting with the basic graph of \(y=x^{2}\) and ‘moving’ it according to information given in the equation. We call this graphing quadratic equations using transformations.

    In the first example, we will graph the quadratic equation \(y=x^{2}\) by plotting points. Then we will see what effect adding a constant, \(k\), to the equation will have on the graph of the new equation \(y=x^{2}+k\).

    Example \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}\), \(y=x^{2}+2\), and \(y=x^{2}−2\) on the same rectangular coordinate system. Describe what effect adding a constant to the right side of the equation has on the basic parabola.


    Plotting points will help us see the effect of the constants on the basic \(y=x^{2}\) graph. We fill in the chart for all three equations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (1)

    The \(y\)-coordinates of the solutions to \(y=x^2+2\) are two more than the \(y\)-coordinates of the solutions to \(y=x^2\) values. Also, the \(y\)-coordinates of the solutions to \(y=x^2-2\) values are two less than the \(y\)-coordinates of the solutions to \(y=x^2\) values. Now we will graph all three equations on the same rectangular coordinate system.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (2)

    The graph of \(y=x^{2}+2\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted up \(2\) units.

    The graph of \(y=x^{2}−2\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted down \(2\) units.

    Try It \(\PageIndex{2}\)
    1. Graph \(y=x^{2}, y=x^{2}+1,\) and \(y=x^{2}-1\) on the same rectangular coordinate system.
    2. Describe what effect adding a constant to the equation has on the basic parabola.


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (3)7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (4)

    b. The graph of \(y=x^{2}+1\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted up \(1\) unit. The graph of \(y=x^{2}−1\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted down \(1\) unit.

    Try It \(\PageIndex{3}\)
    1. Graph \(y=x^{2}, y=x^{2}+6,\) and \(y=x^{2}-6\) on the same rectangular coordinate system.
    2. Describe what effect adding a constant to the equation has on the basic parabola.


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (5)

    b. The graph of \(y=x^{2}+6\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted up \(6\) units. The graph of \(y=x^{2}-6\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted down \(6\) units.

    The last example shows us that to graph a quadratic equation of the form \(y=x^{2}+k\), we take the basic parabola graph of \(y=x^{2}\) and vertically shift it up \((k>0)\) or shift it down \((k<0)\).

    This transformation is called a vertical shift.

    Graph a Quadratic equation of the Form \(y=x^{2}+k\) Using a Vertical Shift

    The graph of \(y=x^{2}+k\) shifts the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) vertically \(k\) units.

    • If \(k>0\), shift the parabola vertically up \(k\) units.
    • If \(k<0\), shift the parabola vertically down \(|k|\) units.

    Now that we have seen the effect of the constant, \(k\), it is easy to graph equations of the form \(y=x^{2}+k\). We just start with the basic parabola of \(y=x^{2}\) and then shift it up or down.

    It may be helpful to practice sketching \(y=x^{2}\) quickly. We know the values and can sketch the graph from there.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (6)

    Once we know this parabola, it will be easy to apply the transformations. The next example will require a vertical shift.

    Example \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}−3\) using a vertical shift.


    We first draw the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) on the grid. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (7)
    Determine \(k\).



    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (8)
    Shift the graph \(y=x^{2}\) down \(3\). 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (9)
    Table 9.7.1
    Try It \(\PageIndex{5}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}−5\) using a vertical shift.


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (10)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{6}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}+7\) using a vertical shift.


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (11)

    Graph Quadratic equations of the Form \(y=(x-h)^{2}\)

    In the first example, we graphed the quadratic equation \(y=x^{2}\) by plotting points and then saw the effect of adding a constant \(k\) to the right side of the equation (or, equivalently, subtracting \(k\) from \(y\)) had on the resulting graph of the new equation \(y=x^{2}+k\).

    We will now explore the effect of subtracting a constant, \(h\), from \(x\) has on the resulting graph of the new equation \(y=(x−h)^{2}\).

    Example \(\PageIndex{7}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}, y=(x-1)^{2},\) and \(y=(x+1)^{2}\) on the same rectangular coordinate system. Describe what effect adding a constant to the equation has on the basic parabola.


    Plotting points will help us see the effect of the constants on the basic \(y=x^{2}\) graph. We fill in the chart for all three equations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (12)

    The \(y\)-coordinates share the common numbers \(0, 1, 4, 9\), and \(16\), but are shifted, in that they correspond to different \(x\)-coordinates in the different cases.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (13)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (14)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{8}\)
    1. Graph \(y=x^{2}, y=(x+2)^{2},\) and \(y=(x-2)^{2}\) on the same rectangular coordinate system.
    2. Describe what effect adding a constant to the \(x\) variable has on the basic parabola.


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (15)

    b. The graph of \(y=(x+2)^{2}\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted left \(2\) units. The graph of \(y=(x−2)^{2}\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted right \(2\) units.

    Try It \(\PageIndex{9}\)
    1. Graph \(y=x^{2}, y=x^{2}+5,\) and \(y=x^{2}-5\) on the same rectangular coordinate system.
    2. Describe what effect adding a constant to the equation has on the basic parabola.


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (16)

    b. The graph of \(y=(x+5)^{2}\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted left \(5\) units. The graph of \(y=(x-5)^{2}\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted right \(5\) units.

    The last example shows us that to graph a quadratic equation of the form \(y=(x−h)^{2}\), we take the basic parabola graph of \(y=x^{2}\) and shift it left \((h>0)\) or shift it right \((h<0)\).

    This transformation is called a horizontal shift.

    Graph a Quadratic equation of the Form \(y=(x-h)^{2}\) Using a Horizontal Shift

    The graph of \(y=(x-h)^{2}\) shifts the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) horizontally \(h\) units.

    • If \(h>0\), shift the parabola horizontally left \(h\) units.
    • If \(h<0\), shift the parabola horizontally right \(|h|\) units.

    Now that we have seen the effect of the constant, \(h\), it is easy to graph equations of the form \(y=(x−h)^{2}\). We just start with the basic parabola of \(y=x^{2}\) and then shift it left or right.

    The next example will require a horizontal shift.

    Example \(\PageIndex{10}\)

    Graph \(y=(x−5)^{2}\) using a horizontal shift.


    We first draw the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) on the grid. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (17)
    Determine \(h\).



    Shift the graph \(y=x^{2}\) to the right \(5\) units.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (18)

    Table 9.7.2
    Try It \(\PageIndex{11}\)

    Graph \(y=(x−4)^{2}\) using a horizontal shift.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (19)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{12}\)

    Graph \(y=(x+6)^{2}\) using a horizontal shift.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (20)

    (Note that you may also view the consideration of the equation \(y=x^2+k\) as \(y-k=x^2\) and think of this as a shift along the \(y\)-axis. Viewing it this way allows for a similar approach to the transformation of graphs of equations formed by adding (or subtracting) constants to (or from) variables.)

    Now that we know the effect of the constants \(h\) and \(k\), we will graph a quadratic equation of the form \(y=(x-h)^{2}+k\) by first drawing the basic parabola and then making a horizontal shift followed by a vertical shift. We could do the vertical shift followed by the horizontal shift, but most students prefer the horizontal shift followed by the vertical.

    Example \(\PageIndex{13}\)

    Graph \(y=(x+1)^{2}-2\) using transformations.


    This equation will involve two transformations and we need a plan.

    Let’s first identify the constants \(h, k\).




    \(h=-1, k=-2\)

    The \(h\) constant gives us a horizontal shift and the \(k\) gives us a vertical shift.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (21)

    We first draw the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) on the grid.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (22)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (23)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{14}\)

    Graph \(y=(x+2)^{2}-3\) using transformations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (24)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{15}\)

    Graph \(y=(x-3)^{2}+1\) using transformations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (25)

    Graph Quadratic Equations of the Form \(y=ax^{2}\)

    So far we graphed the quadratic equation \(y=x^{2}\) and then saw the effect of including a constant \(h\) or \(k\) in the equation had on the resulting graph of the new equation. We will now explore the effect of the coefficient \(a\) on the resulting graph of the new equation \(y=ax^{2}\).

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (26)

    If we graph these equations, we can see the effect of the constant \(a\), assuming \(a>0\).

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (27)

    The graph of the equation \(y=2x^2\) is "skinnier" than the graph of \(y=x^2\).

    The graph of the equation \(y=\dfrac12 x^2\) is "wider" than the graph of \(y=x^2\).

    To graph a equation with constant \(a\) it is easiest to choose a few points on \(y=x^{2}\) and multiply the \(y\)-coordinates by \(a\).

    Graph of a Quadratic equation of the Form \(y=ax^{2}\)

    The coefficient \(a\) in the equation \(y=ax^{2}\) affects the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) by stretching or compressing it.

    • If \(0<|a|<1\), the graph of \(y=ax^{2}\) will be “wider” than the graph of \(y=x^{2}\).
    • If \(|a|>1\), the graph of \(y=ax^{2}\) will be “skinnier” than the graph of \(y=x^{2}\).
    Example \(\PageIndex{16}\)

    Graph \(y=3x^{2}\).


    We will graph the equations \(y=x^{2}\) and \(y=3x^{2}\) on the same grid. We will choose a few points on \(y=x^{2}\) and then multiply the \(y\)-values by \(3\) to get the points for \(y=3x^{2}\).

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (28)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{17}\)

    Graph \(y=-3x^{2}\).

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (29)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{18}\)

    Graph \(y=2x^{2}\).

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (30)

    Graph Quadratic equations Using Transformations

    We have learned how the constants \(a, h\), and \(k\) in the equations, \(y=x^{2}+k, y=(x−h)^{2}\), and \(y=ax^{2}\) affect their graphs. We can now put this together and graph quadratic equations \(y=ax^{2}+bx+c\) by first putting them into the form \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) by completing the square. This form is sometimes known as the vertex form or standard form.

    We must be careful to both add and subtract the number to the expression to complete the square. We cannot add the number to 'both sides' (both sides of what?) as we did when we completed the square with quadratic equations. Note that we could also add and subtract a number from the same side in the case of the quadratic equation as well.

    Quadratic Equation Quadratic Expression
    \(x^2+8x+6=0\) \(x^2+8x+6\)
    \(x^2+8x=-6\) \(x^2+8x+6\)
    \(x^2+8x+16=-6+16\) -- add \(16\) to both sides \(x^2+8x+16-16+6\) --add and subtract \(16\) from the expression
    \((x+4)^2=10\) \((x+4)^2-10\)

    When we complete the square in a equation with a coefficient of \(x^{2}\) that is not one, we have to factor that coefficient from just the \(x\)-terms. We do not factor it from the constant term. It is often helpful to move the constant term a bit to the right to make it easier to focus only on the \(x\)-terms.

    Once we get the constant we want to complete the square, we must remember to multiply it by that coefficient before we then subtract it.

    Example \(\PageIndex{19}\)

    Rewrite \(y=−3x^{2}−6x−1\) in the \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form by completing the square.



    Separate the \(x\) terms from the constant.


    Factor the coefficient of \(x^{2}, -3\).


    Prepare to complete the square.


    Take half of \(2\) and then square it to complete the square \((\dfrac{1}{2}\cdot 2)^{2}=1\)
    The constant \(1\) completes the square in the parentheses, but the parentheses is multiplied by \(-3\). So we are really adding \(-3\). We must then add \(3\) to not change the value of the equation.



    Rewrite the trinomial as a square and subtract the constants.


    The equation is now in the \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form.



    Try It \(\PageIndex{20}\)

    Rewrite \(y=−4x^{2}−8x+1\) in the \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form by completing the square.



    Try It \(\PageIndex{21}\)

    Rewrite \(y=2x^{2}−8x+3\) in the \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form by completing the square.



    Once we put the equation into the \(y=(x−h)^{2}+k\) form, we can then use the transformations as we did in the last few problems. The next example will show us how to do this.

    Example \(\PageIndex{22}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}+6x+5\) by using transformations.


    Step 1: Rewrite the equation in \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) vertex form by completing the square.


    Separate the \(x\) terms from the constant. \(y=x^2+6x+5\)
    Take half of \(6\) and then square it to complete the square. \((\dfrac{1}{2}\cdot 6)^{2}=9\)
    We both add \(9\) and subtract \(9\) to not change the value of the equation.


    Rewrite the trinomial as a square and subtract the constants.


    The equation is now in the \(y=(x-h)^{2}+k\) form.



    Step 2: Graph the equation using transformations.

    Looking at the \(h, k\) values, we see the graph will take the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) and shift it to the left \(3\) units and down \(4\) units.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (31)

    We first draw the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) on the grid.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (32)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (33)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{23}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}+2x-3\) by using transformations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (34)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{24}\)

    Graph \(y=x^{2}-8x+12\) by using transformations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (35)

    We list the steps to take a graph a quadratic equation using transformations here.

    Graph a Quadratic equation Using Transformations

    1. Rewrite the equation in \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form by completing the square.
    2. Graph the equation using transformations.
    Example \(\PageIndex{25}\)

    Graph \(y=-2x^{2}-4x+2\) by using transformations.


    Step 1: Rewrite the equation in \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) vertex form by completing the square.


    Separate the \(x\) terms from the constant.


    We need the coefficient of \(x^{2}\) to be one. We factor \(-2\) from the \(x\)-terms.


    Take half of \(2\) and then square it to complete the square. \((\dfrac{1}{2}\cdot 2)^{2}=1\)
    We add \(1\) to complete the square in the parentheses, but the parentheses is multiplied by \(-2\). So we are really adding \(-2\). To not change the value of the equation we add \(2\).



    Rewrite the trinomial as a square ad subtract the constants.


    The equation is now in the \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form.



    Step 2: Graph the equation using transformations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (36)

    We first draw the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) on the grid.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (37)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (38)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{26}\)

    Graph \(y=-3x^{2}+12x-4\) by using transformations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (39)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{27}\)

    Graph \(y=−2x^{2}+12x−9\) by using transformations.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (40)

    Now that we have completed the square to put a quadratic equation into \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form, we can also use this technique to graph the equation using its properties as in the previous section.

    If we look back at the last few examples, we see that the vertex is related to the constants \(h\) and \(k\).

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (41)

    In each case, the vertex is \((h,k)\). Also the axis of symmetry is the line \(x=h\).

    We rewrite our steps for graphing a quadratic equation using properties for when the equation is in \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form.

    Graph a Quadratic equation in the Form \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) Using Properties

    1. Rewrite the equation \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form.
    2. Determine whether the parabola opens upward, \(a>0\), or downward, \(a<0\).
    3. Find the axis of symmetry, \(x=h\).
    4. Find the vertex, \((h,k)\).
    5. Find the \(y\)-intercept. Find the point symmetric to the \(y\)-intercept across the axis of symmetry.
    6. Find the \(x\)-intercepts.
    7. Graph the parabola.
    Example \(\PageIndex{28}\)
    1. Rewrite \(y=2 x^{2}+4 x+5\) in \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form
    2. Graph the equation using properties


    Rewrite the equation in \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form by completing the square. \(y=2 x^{2}+4 x+5\)
    \(y=2\left(x^{2}+2 x\right)+5\)
    \(y=2\left(x^{2}+2 x+1\right)+5-2\)
    Identify the constants \(a, h, k\).
    Since \(a=2\), the parabola opens upward. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (42)
    The axis of symmetry is \(x=h\). The axis of symmetry is \(x=-1\).
    The vertex is \((h,k)\). The vertex is \((-1,3)\).
    Find the \(y\)-intercept by finding \(f(0)\). \(f(0)=2 \cdot 0^{2}+4 \cdot 0+5\)
    \(y\)-intercept \((0,5)\)
    Find the point symmetric to \((0,5)\) across the axis of symmetry. \((-2,5)\)
    Find the \(x\)-intercepts. The discriminant is negative, so there are no \(x\)-intercepts. Graph the parabola.
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (43)
    Try It \(\PageIndex{29}\)
    1. Rewrite \(y=3 x^{2}-6 x+5\) in \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form
    2. Graph the equation using properties
    1. \(y=3(x-1)^{2}+2\)

    2. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (44)
      Figure 9.7.66
    Try It \(\PageIndex{30}\)
    1. Rewrite \(y=-2 x^{2}+8 x-7\) in \(y=a(x-h)^{2}+k\) form
    2. Graph the equation using properties
    1. \(y=-2(x-2)^{2}+1\)

    2. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (45)
      Figure 9.7.67

    Challenge section:

    Find a Quadratic Equation from its Graph

    So far we have started with a equation and then found its graph.

    Now we are going to reverse the process. Starting with the graph, we will find the equation.

    Example \(\PageIndex{31}\)

    Determine the quadratic equation whose graph is shown.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (46)


    Since it is quadratic, we start with the \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form.

    The vertex, \((h,k)\), is \((−2,−1)\) so \(h=−2\) and \(k=−1\).


    To find \(a\), we use the \(y\)-intercept, \((0,7)\).

    So \(f(0)=7\).


    Solve for \(a\).

    \(\begin{array}{l}{7=4 a-1} \\ {8=4 a} \\ {2=a}\end{array}\)

    Write the equation.


    Substitute in \(h=-2, k=-1\) and \(a=2\).


    Try It \(\PageIndex{32}\)

    Write the quadratic equation in \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form whose graph is shown.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (47)


    Try It \(\PageIndex{33}\)

    Determine the quadratic equation whose graph is shown.

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (48)


    Key Concepts

    • Graph a Quadratic equation of the form \(y=x^{2}+k\) Using a Vertical Shift
      • The graph of \(y=x^{2}+k\) shifts the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) vertically \(k\) units.
        • If \(k>0\), shift the parabola vertically up \(k\) units.
        • If \(k<0\), shift the parabola vertically down \(|k|\) units.
    • Graph a Quadratic equation of the form \(y=(x−h)^{2}\) Using a Horizontal Shift
      • The graph of \(y=(x−h)^{2}\) shifts the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) horizontally \(h\) units.
        • If \(h>0\), shift the parabola horizontally left \(h\) units.
        • If \(h<0\), shift the parabola horizontally right \(|h|\) units.
    • Graph of a Quadratic equation of the form \(y=ax^{2}\)
      • The coefficient \(a\) in the equation \(y=ax^{2}\) affects the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) by stretching or compressing it.
        If \(0<|a|<1\), then the graph of \(y=ax^{2}\) will be “wider” than the graph of \(y=x^{2}\).
        If \(|a|>1\), then the graph of \(y=ax^{2}\) will be “skinnier” than the graph of \(y=x^{2}\).
    • How to graph a quadratic equation using transformations
      1. Rewrite the equation in \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form by completing the square.
      2. Graph the equation using transformations.
    • Graph a quadratic equation in the vertex form \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) using properties
      1. Rewrite the equation in \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form.
      2. Determine whether the parabola opens upward, \(a>0\), or downward, \(a<0\).
      3. Find the axis of symmetry, \(x=h\).
      4. Find the vertex, \((h,k)\).
      5. Find the \(y\)-intercept. Find the point symmetric to the \(y\)-intercept across the axis of symmetry.
      6. Find the \(x\)-intercepts, if possible.
      7. Graph the parabola.

    Practice Makes Perfect

    Graph Quadratic equations of the Form \(y=x^{2}=k\)

    In the following exercises,

    1. Graph the quadratic equations on the same rectangular coordinate system
    2. Describe what effect adding a constant, \(k\), to the equation has on the basic parabola.
      1. \(y=x^{2}, y=x^{2}+4, \text { and } y=x^{2}-4\)
      2. \(y=x^{2}, y=x^{2}+7, \text { and } y=x^{2}-7\)


    1. Use DESMOS
    2. The graph of \(y=x^{2}+4\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted up \(4\) units. The graph of \(y=x^{2}-4\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shift down \(4\) units.
    Graph Quadratic equations of the Form \(y=x^{2}=k\)

    In the following exercises, graph each equation using a vertical shift.

    1. \(y=x^{2}+3\)
    2. \(y=x^{2}-7\)
    3. \(y=x^{2}+2\)
    4. \(y=x^{2}+5\)
    5. \(y=x^{2}-4\)
    6. \(y=x^{2}-5\)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (49)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (50)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (51)
    Graph Quadratic equations of the Form \(y=(x-h)^{2}\)

    In the following exercises,

    1. Graph the quadratic equations on the same rectangular coordinate system
    2. Describe what effect adding a constant, \(h\), inside the parentheses has
      1. \(y=x^{2}, y=(x-3)^{2}, \text { and } y=(x+3)^{2}\)
      2. \(y=x^{2}, y=(x+4)^{2}, \text { and } y=(x-4)^{2}\)


    1. Use DESMOS
    2. The graph of \(y=(x−3)^{2}\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted right \(3\) units. The graph of \(y=(x+3)^{2}\) is the same as the graph of \(y=x^{2}\) but shifted left \(3\) units.
    Graph Quadratic equations of the Form \(y=(x-h)^{2}\)

    In the following exercises, graph each equation using a horizontal shift.

    1. \(y=(x-2)^{2}\)
    2. \(y=(x-1)^{2}\)
    3. \(y=(x+5)^{2}\)
    4. \(y=(x+3)^{2}\)
    5. \(y=(x-5)^{2}\)
    6. \(y=(x+2)^{2}\)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (52)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (53)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (54)
    Graph Quadratic equations of the Form \(y=(x-h)^{2}\)

    In the following exercises, graph each equation using transformations.

    1. \(y=(x+2)^{2}+1\)
    2. \(y=(x+4)^{2}+2\)
    3. \(y=(x-1)^{2}+5\)
    4. \(y=(x-3)^{2}+4\)
    5. \(y=(x+3)^{2}-1\)
    6. \(y=(x+5)^{2}-2\)
    7. \(y=(x-4)^{2}-3\)
    8. \(y=(x-6)^{2}-2\)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (55)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (56)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (57)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (58)
    Graph Quadratic equations of the Form \(y=ax^{2}\)

    In the following exercises, graph each equation.

    1. \(y=-2 x^{2}\)
    2. \(y=4 x^{2}\)
    3. \(y=-4 x^{2}\)
    4. \(y=-x^{2}\)
    5. \(y=\dfrac{1}{2} x^{2}\)
    6. \(y=\dfrac{1}{3} x^{2}\)
    7. \(y=\dfrac{1}{4} x^{2}\)
    8. \(y=-\dfrac{1}{2} x^{2}\)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (59)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (60)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (61)


    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (62)
    Graph Quadratic equations Using Transformations

    In the following exercises, rewrite each equation in the \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form by completing the square.

    1. \(y=-3 x^{2}-12 x-5\)
    2. \(y=2 x^{2}-12 x+7\)
    3. \(y=3 x^{2}+6 x-1\)
    4. \(y=-4 x^{2}-16 x-9\)

    33. \(y=-3(x+2)^{2}+7\)

    35. \(y=3(x+1)^{2}-4\)

    Graph Quadratic equations Using Transformations

    In the following exercises,

    1. Rewrite each equation in \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form
    2. Graph it by using transformations
      1. \(y=x^{2}+6 x+5\)
      2. \((x)=x^{2}+4 x-12\)
      3. \(y=x^{2}+4 x-12\)
      4. \(y=x^{2}-6 x+8\)
      5. \(y=x^{2}-6 x+15\)
      6. \(y=x^{2}+8 x+10\)
      7. \(y=-x^{2}+8 x-16\)
      8. \(y=-x^{2}+2 x-7\)
      9. \(y=-x^{2}-4 x+2\)
      10. \(y=-x^{2}+4 x-5\)
      11. \(y=5 x^{2}-10 x+8\)
      12. \(y=3 x^{2}+18 x+20\)
      13. \(y=2 x^{2}-4 x+1\)
      14. \(y=3 x^{2}-6 x-1\)
      15. \(y=-2 x^{2}+8 x-10\)
      16. \(y=-3 x^{2}+6 x+1\)


    1. y=(x+3)^{2}-4
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (63)


    1. \(y=(x+2)^{2}-1\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (64)


    1. \(y=(x-3)^{2}+6\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (65)


    1. \(y=-(x-4)^{2}+0\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (66)


    1. \(y=-(x+2)^{2}+6\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (67)


    1. \(y=5(x-1)^{2}+3\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (68)


    1. \(y=2(x-1)^{2}-1\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (69)


    1. \(y=-2(x-2)^{2}-2\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (70)
    Graph Quadratic equations Using Transformations

    In the following exercises,

    1. Rewrite each equation in \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form
    2. Graph it using properties
      1. \(y=2 x^{2}+4 x+6\)
      2. \(y=3 x^{2}-12 x+7\)
      3. \(y=-x^{2}+2 x-4\)
      4. \(y=-2 x^{2}-4 x-5\)


    1. \(y=2(x+1)^{2}+4\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (71)


    1. \(y=-(x-1)^{2}-3\)
    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (72)

    In the following exercises, match the graphs to one of the following equations:

    1. \(y=x^{2}+4\)
    2. \(y=x^{2}-4\)
    3. \(y=(x+4)^{2}\)
    4. \(y=(x-4)^{2}\)
    5. \(y=(x+4)^{2}-4\)
    6. \(y=(x+4)^{2}+4\)
    7. \(y=(x-4)^{2}-4\)
    8. \(y=(x-4)^{2}+4\)

      1. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (73)
        Figure 9.7.97

      2. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (74)
        Figure 9.7.98

      3. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (75)
        Figure 9.7.99

      4. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (76)
        Figure 9.7.100

      5. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (77)
        Figure 9.7.101

      6. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (78)
        Figure 9.7.102

      7. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (79)
        Figure 9.7.103

      8. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (80)
        Figure 9.7.104

    57. c

    59. e

    61. d

    63. g

    Find a Quadratic equation from its Graph

    In the following exercises, write the quadratic equation in \(y=a(x−h)^{2}+k\) form whose graph is shown.

    1. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (81)
      Figure 9.7.105

    2. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (82)
      Figure 9.7.106

    3. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (83)
      Figure 9.7.107

    4. 7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (84)
      Figure 9.7.108

    65. \(y=(x+1)^{2}-5\)

    67. \(y=2(x-1)^{2}-3\)

    Writing Exercise
    1. Graph the quadratic equation \(y=x^{2}+4x+5\) first using the properties as we did in the last section and then graph it using transformations. Which method do you prefer? Why?
    2. Graph the quadratic equation \(y=2x^{2}−4x−3\) first using the properties as we did in the last section and then graph it using transformations. Which method do you prefer? Why?

    69. Answers may vary.

    Self Check

    a. After completing the exercises, use this checklist to evaluate your mastery of the objectives of this section.

    I can... Confidently With some help No--I don't get it!
    graph quadratic equations of the form \(y=x^2+k\).
    graph quadratic equations of the form \(y=(x-h)^2\).
    graph quadratic equations of the form \(y=ax^2\).
    graph quadratic equations using transformations.
    find a quadratic equation from its graph.

    b. After looking at the checklist, do you think you are well-prepared for the next section? Why or why not?

    7.6: Graph Quadratic Equations Using Transformations (2024)


    How to find the solutions of a quadratic equation from a graph? ›

    Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
    1. Let y1 = ax2 + bx + c and y2 = d.
    2. Graph y1 and y2 on the same graph.
    3. Find the intersection points of the two graphs. The x-values of the intersection points are the solutions to your equation.
    4. Check your answer with the original equation.
    Jul 6, 2023

    What is the mapping rule for quadratic equations? ›

    In general, the mapping rule used to generate the image of a function is ( x , y ) → ( x ′ , y ′ ) where are the coordinates of the image graph. The resulting mapping rule from y = x 2 to the image y = a ( x − h ) 2 + k is ( x , y ) → ( x + h , a y + k ) .

    How do you find transformations? ›

    To find the function transformations we have to identify whether it is a translation, dilation, or reflection or sometimes it is a mixture of some/all the transformations. For a function y = f(x), if a number is being added or subtracted inside the bracket then it is a horizontal translation.

    How do you graph a quadratic equation step by step? ›

    Graph a Quadratic Function
    1. Determine whether the parabola opens upward (a>0) or downward (a<0).
    2. Find the equation of the axis of symmetry, x=h where h=–b2a.
    3. Find the vertex, (h,k), where k=f(h).
    4. Find the y-intercept, f(0). ...
    5. Find the x-intercepts. ...
    6. Graph the parabola.
    Feb 1, 2024

    How do you tell how many solutions a quadratic equation has on a graph? ›

    If the graph of a quadratic function crosses the x-axis at two points, then the equation has two real rational solutions. These solutions are also called x-intercepts or roots. If it touches the x-axis at one point, it has one real rational solution.

    How to use a graph to solve an equation? ›

    1. Graph the first equation.
    2. Graph the second equation on the same rectangular coordinate system.
    3. Determine whether the lines intersect, are parallel, or are the same line.
    4. Identify the solution to the system. If the lines intersect, identify the point of intersection.
    Apr 17, 2021

    What is quadratic transformation? ›

    The parent function of the quadratic family is f(x) = x2. A transformation of the graph of the parent function is represented by the function g(x) = a(x − h)2 + k, where a ≠ 0. Learning Standards.

    What is the equation for transformation? ›

    The transformation that causes the 2-d shape to stretch or shrink vertically or horizontally by a constant factor is called the dilation. The vertical stretch is given by the equation y = a.f(x). If a > 1, the function stretches with respect to the y-axis. If a < 1 the function shrinks with respect to the y-axis.

    What are the formulas for transformation? ›

    Transformation Formula
    Transformation of f(g)Transformation of graphChange (g,y) to
    f(g)+xshift f(g) up by x units(g,y+x)
    f(g) – xshift f(g) down by x units(g,y-x)
    f(g+x)shift f(g) left by x units(g-x,y)
    f(g-x)shift f(g) right by x units(g+x,y)
    4 more rows
    May 4, 2023

    What are the 3 parts of a quadratic equation? ›

    The term ax2 is called the quadratic term (hence the name given to the function), the term bx is called the linear term, and the term c is called the constant term.

    What are the roots of a quadratic equation using a graph? ›

    The roots of a quadratic equation are the x-intercepts of the graph. Graph the equation. This could either be done by making a table of values as we have done in previous sections or by computer or a graphing calculator. The parabola cross the x-axis at x = -2 and x = 5.

    What does a quadratic equation look like graphed? ›

    Graphs. A quadratic function is one of the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are numbers with a not equal to zero. The graph of a quadratic function is a curve called a parabola. Parabolas may open upward or downward and vary in "width" or "steepness", but they all have the same basic "U" shape.

    How to find transformations of a parabola? ›

    Parabolas can be transformed in the following ways (starting with the parabola defined by y = x 2 y=x^{2} y=x2): Vertically translated by k units: y = x 2 + k y=x^{2}+k y=x2+k. Horizontally translated by h units: Vertically scaled by a scale factor of a: y = a x 2 y=ax^{2} y=ax2.

    How do you solve equations transformable to quadratic equation? ›

    First Multiply both sides of the equation by the Least Common Multiple (LCM) or Least Common Denominator (LCD), Secondly Write the resulting quadratic equation in standard form, Thirdly Solve the equation using any method in solving quadratic equation and Lastly Check whether the obtained values of x satisfies the ...

    What are the formulas for transformations? ›

    Vertical Transformation: The function f(x) is transformed vertically to f(x) + a, or f(x) - a. Horizontal Transformation: The function f(x) is transformed horizontally to f(x + a), or f(x - a).


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    Name: Dong Thiel

    Birthday: 2001-07-14

    Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

    Phone: +3512198379449

    Job: Design Planner

    Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

    Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.