Skills (2024)


  • 1 Description
    • 1.1 Obtainment
    • 1.2 Mastery
    • 1.3 Classification
      • 1.3.1 Dual Scaling
  • 2 General Skills
  • 3 Soul Reaper Skills
  • 4 Hollow Skills
  • 5 Quincy Skills
  • 6 Fullbringer Skills
  • 7 Obtainable Skills
  • 8 Trivia


Abilities are called "Skills" in Peroxide. All races share Kenjutsu and a list of Obtainable Skills while having their own exclusive set of skills. There are also obtainable skills like exclusive Arrancar and Soul Reaper races Hakuda which is obtainable by Yoruichi and exclusive Arrancar Hakuda obtainable by Orochi The Shura boss in Hueco Mundo.


Skills are obtained every 3 levels by a hand of cards with three skills (may be less if there aren't enough skills left), you can either choose to get a new skill or upgrade the mastery on one you already had. Upgrading a skills mastery decreases cooldowns, as well as lowering their reiatsu cost but can also affect various skills in different ways. Your skills start at 1 mastery and can go up to mastery level 3, each line represents one upgrade (it can go up to mastery 4 with some skills using the Crystal of Prodigy). You will get 55 skill hands (56 as Adjucar and 58 as Vastocar) when max level.


Upgrading a skill's mastery decreases it's cooldowns, as well as lowering the reiatsu cost and sometimes it brings more unique changes.


Skills are divided into:

  • Combat
  • Mobility (Evasives)
  • Support (Modes/Heals)

You only have a limited amount of skills that you can bind to your hotbar. You start with 3 Wildcard Slots (any class/type), 1 Mobility Slot and 1 Support Slot. 2nd Mode Skill don't take up slots. You can only bind one Mode Type Skill at one time. To get more Wildcard Slots you have to unlock your Shikai/Resurrection/Schrift/Fullbring (+1) and your Bankai/Segunda Etapa/Vollständig/Twin Soul (+1). Press "N" to teleport

Vitality (Increases health Points.)

Spirit (Strengthens non-physical attacks.)

Agility (Slightly Increases speed and the amount of times you can Flashstep.)

Dual Scaling[]

Skills that scale off of two stats are a special case. If you split your stats properly (within a 40 stat variance between Strength and Spirit), a move with dual scaling will do more damage than if you had solely put points into one stat. Using Counter Strike as an example, with 340 Strength, the user will do 101 damage upon successfully using Counter Strike. However, with 170 Spirit and 170 Strength, the user will do 120 damage upon successfully using Counter Strike.

Note: These numbers are with equipment, but the equipment did not change between testing. Regardless of equipment, mode(s), or buffs like Tsuzuri Raiden, dual scaling moves with dual stat builds will do more damage than single stat builds (excluding Vitality, obviously).

General Skills[]

  • Kenjutsu Skills

These are skills used by Soul Reapers, Arrancars, Quincy and Fullbringer alike.

MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
Skills (1)Slash BarrageBring your blade forth and perform three deadly slashes.Strength
Skills (2)Cyclone


Swing your blade in a spinning motion around yourself, dragging any enemies up into the air with you in a violent cyclone.Strength
Skills (3)LungeBuild up force like a spring before launching forward and dealing heavy damage, capable of breaking blocks.Strength
Skills (4)Impale


Thrust your blade forward cleanly impaling through an opponent's torso then proceeding to flip them and slam them on the ground.Strength
Skills (5)Flash StampWind up power in a flash and spring forward, then, upon reaching your foe you slam into the ground with the built-up momentum and creating a devastating shockwave.Agility + Strength
Skills (6)Flash Draw (EXT)Wind up power in a flash and spring forward, then, upon reaching your foe you do a powerful slash, briefly stunning the opponent.Agility + Strength
Skills (7)Aerial TandemLaunch the opponent up in the air. Upon using any skill you get teleported next to your opponent allowing for a successful hit.No Scaling
Skills (8)Flawless PierceSkim past your enemies and slice so fast that it appears in an instant of rapid slashes.Strength
Skills (9)Counter StrikeThe user takes on a defensive stance, ready to slash back at anyone who dares try to attack them.Strength + Spirit
Skills (10)Scatter Image


A move that can be used while stunned, you will quickly scatter around and becoming shadmin invincible mrx and gaining speed for one second.No Scaling
Skills (11)Flash Mirage


A move that can be used while stunned, you will leave by a fake afterimage of yourself while your true self will stay invisible.No Scaling
Skills (12)Battle Instinct


Harmonize your reiatsu with your battle instinct, causing your reiatsu to increase whenever striking someone.No Scaling
Skills (13)Reiatsu Burst


Overflow your body with Reiatsu and then release it all at once in a struggle, use only when you need to escape.No Scaling

Soul Reaper Skills[]

These are skills used by Soul Reapers.

MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
Skills (14)ShoFocus a bit of reiatsu into the tip of your finger and fire it off, those who are hit by it take moderate damage and are staggered very briefly.Strength + Spirit
Skills (15)ByakuraiFire a quick bolt of electricity, shocking and knocking back those who dare to make contact.Spirit
Skills (16)HorinCast out a rope of lightning, pulling anyone it makes contact with towards you.Spirit
Skills (17)OkasenRaising their Zanpakutō horizontally in front of them, the practitioner generates a yellow orb, which widens itself along the length of their sword. Once it is fully charged, it fires a wide, horizontal arc of yellow energy at the target.Spirit
Skills (18)Shinten Raiho (Hado 88)The practitioner raises his/her arm forward and outstretched, with the palm facing flat toward the target, fires a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy.Spirit
Skills (19)GekiDraw a sacred symbol in front of you and cast it causing short paralysis to anyone who stands in your way.No Scaling
Skills (20)Tsuzuri RaidenImbue your weapon with electricity which will increase the stun time and damage on all slashing attacks.No Scaling
Skills (21)ShakkahoFocus a gathering of red flames into your palm and then fire it off causing burn damage to those who are hit by it.Spirit
Skills (22)TenranChannel your Reiatsu into whirlwinds and release a torment of rapid winds forth sending your enemies flying. Mastery 3/4 allows the user to follow-up after the initial hit of the attack and slam the opponent down.Spirit
Skills (23)HaienShoot out a flaming purple crescent emitting immense fire pressure, upon making contact it will create a area of incineration burning those who step in.Spirit
Skills (24)ShokyakuKick your enemy sending them fly and following up with a blast of blue flames incinerating your target.
  • The first hit scales off of strength while the flame attack used afterwards scales off of spirit.
  • Strength + Spirit
    Skills (25)Danku


    A defensive wall to block Hado, Kido and some other attacks.No Scaling
    Skills (26)Kaido


    Create a field of regeneration around you healing yourself and allies while draining away your reiatsu.
  • A Prodigy Crystal will increase the amount of healing and the size of the healing field.
  • Spirit

    These are clan skills for Soul Reapers.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (27)Hado 90A high-level Kidō which seals its target in a black spiritual coffin. The practitioner generates purple/black spiritual energy, which envelops the target with a powerful torrent of gravity before taking the form of a box of black energy, covered in several spear-like protrusions which pierce the box, lacerating the one inside from head to toe.
  • Exclusive to Aizen Clan
  • Spirit
    Skills (28)Getsuga TenshouFocus immense reiatsu into the tip of your blade and release it forward in a devastating slash dispelling all spiritual force in an instant.
  • Exclusive to Kurosaki Clan
  • Strength + Spirit
    Skills (29)Joy of BattleEngage in the moment and become one with the battle. Discard all knowledge of Kido in return for overflowing Reiatsu and strength.
  • Exclusive to Zaraki Clan
  • No Scaling

    These are unique skills used by Soul Reapers.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (30)SenkaimonAn ability that enables Soul Reapers to open up a gateway to the Soul Society. Using the Senkaimon from Soul Society will open up a gateway back to Karakura Town.No Scaling

    Hollow Skills[]

    • Hollow Skills

    • Clan Skills

    • Miscellaneous Skills

    These are skills used by Hollows.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (31)Hollow ChargeAn enraged charge that devastates anyone who dare steps in it's path, when it hits a wall it will create a deadly shock to those nearby.
  • Exclusive to Normal Hollow + Adjuchas
  • Strength
    Skills (32)Acid SpitEject acid from your mouth towards your mouse which can stun.
  • Exclusive to Normal Hollow + Adjuchas
  • Spirit
    Skills (33)Raging BlowsQuickly release a barrage of punches towards where you're facing finishing it with a strong jab.
  • Exclusive to Normal Hollow + Adjuchas + Menos
  • Strength
    Skills (34)Flying KickCharge up and flash forward knee first pulverizing anyone who would stand in your path.
  • Exclusive to Adjuchas
  • Strength
    Skills (35)Acidic Touch


    Coat your arms with acid causing all m1s to do an added on poison effect.
  • Exclusive to Normal Hollow + Adjuchas
  • No Scaling
    Skills (36)Lord's RoarLet loose a mighty roar to invoke fear into your opponents. Slows enemies at Mastery 3.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde
  • No Scaling
    Skills (37)SecuasesDish your reiatsu as bait, drawing in hollows before taking command of them using your superior will. Masteries 1 - 3 Spawns Normal Hollows which turn into Red Eyed Hollows Mastery. Your hollows become adjuchas at mastery 4, you need 165 lvls to get mastery 4. If you put a Prodigy gem on this skill, it will raise the mastery to 5, changing your adjuchas into ancient adjucha.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde
  • No Scaling
    Skills (38)CeroFire a concentrated beam of reiatsu from your mouth that deals devastating damage to anything that steps in its way.
  • Exclusive to Adjuchas + Vasto Lorde + Arrancar + Vizard
  • Spirit
    Skills (39)BalaA weaker version of a Cero fired in the form of a ball, though it's not as strong, it's a lot faster. This ability loses 6 seconds of cooldown per person hit.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar + Vizard
  • Spirit
    Skills (40)Kick FlurryMake contact with an enemy then proceed to engage the enemy with a series of lightning speed kicks.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar + Vizard
  • Strength
    Skills (41)Agarre CeroPerform a quick jab then quickly follow up with a Cero directed towards the enemy you hit. This ability loses 6 seconds of cooldown per person hit.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar + Vizard
  • Strength + Spirit
    Skills (42)Skyward Plummet


    Pounce forward and grab your enemy, then spin into the air and slam them into the ground.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar + Vizard
  • Strength
    Skills (43)Cero OscurasA bigger and more devastating cero that forms on the tip of your finger and deals more damage.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde (+ VastocarArrancar)
  • Spirit
    Skills (44)Hierro


    Harden your body as tough as steel, slashing attacks will do less damage to you in this state.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar
  • No Scaling
    Skills (45)High-Speed Regeneration


    Rapidly deconstruct the dead cells inside your body entering a state of hyper regeneration, at the expense of Reiatsu.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar
  • Spirit

    These are clan skills used by Hollows.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (46)DesgarronThe user makes a mighty slash with their panther claws, shooting out multiple slash projectiles.
  • Exclusive to Jaegerjaquez Clan
  • Strength
    Skills (47)Cero MetralletaHolding out his left hand, the user charges multiple Cero simultaneously before firing a barrage of them at his opponent.
  • Exclusive to Starrk Clan
  • Spirit
    Skills (48)Lanza del RelámpagoUsing his reiatsu, the user creates a javelin-like weapon. When thrown, it produces an incredibly destructive explosion on impact, which dwarfs the fortress of Las Noches in height.
  • Exclusive to Cifer Clan
  • Spirit
    See Also

    These are unique skills used by Hollows.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (49)GargantaAllows the user to open a pathway to Hueco Mundo (Pressing M1) or Menos Forest (Pressing M2 Non Arrancar).
  • No Scaling

    Quincy Skills[]

    • Quincy Skills

    • Clan Skills

    • Miscellaneous Skills

    These are skills used by Quincy.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (50)Arrow BarrageRelease a rapid barrage of arrows that break through block, then send the target flying at the end of an attack.
  • Spirit
    Skills (51)Heilig SchlagFire a massive arrow down a lane leaving behind a thick Reishi trail, upon impact (in this case , the bus stop) or destruction of the arrow, it will detonate the trail destroying everything it left behind.
  • Spirit
    Skills (52)HeizenSummon a box at the target you're looking at, falling on their head and slamming down causing devastation.
  • Strength
    Skills (53)Licht RegenFire a massive arrow into the sky that explodes into fragments that rain downward in the shape of arrows for a period of time.
  • Spirit
    Skills (54)Reishi DownpourFire a special arrow into the atmosphere which condenses the Reishi in the air into a solid state causing it to rain down and pierce anybody on the ground.
  • Spirit
    Skills (55)TrickshotSlash forward with your saber then backflip into a quick arrow shot stronger than your average one. If the saber slice makes contact with someone you will jump and auto aim onto them.
  • Strength + Spirit
    Skills (56)Blut Vene


    Harden your skin like steel using Reishi.
  • No Scaling
    Skills (57)Medical Medallion


    Toss a medallion imbued with healing energy, which after a moment, creates a burst of healing around it that will heal yourself and allies nearby.
  • Spirit

    These are clan skills used by Quincy.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (58)The AlmightyCover yourself with eyes that are able to see and detect enemy movement, allowing you to dodge every attack of the enemy.
  • Exclusive to Yhwach Clan
  • No Scaling
    Skills (59)RachepfeilFire a special arrow that grows stronger the more damaged you are. It will travel down a lane hitting anyone near its path and detonating into a giant explosion upon impact.
  • Exclusive to Ishida Clan
  • Spirit
    Skills (60)Arrows of DestinyFire three orbs and teleport to enemy when hit.
  • Exclusive to Kurosaki Clan (Quincy)
  • Spirit

    These are unique skills used by Quincy.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (61)SchattenAllows the user to transport themselves to the Wandenreich.
  • No Scaling

    Fullbringer Skills[]

    • Fullbringer Skills

    • Clan Skills

    • Miscellaneous Skills

    These are skills used by Fullbringer.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (62)Lumen ZipVeil yourself within the bringer light and perform a rapid series of strikes back and forth through your enemy.
  • Strength + Spirit
    Skills (63)Firefly AssaultGrab the bringer light with your soul and charge forward, unleashing an endless stream of slashes along your path.
  • Strength
    Skills (64)Soul Manipulate: ProjectConcentrate the bringer light to create a spirit projection of yourself that lunges forwards and barrages the enemy with a flurry of punches.
  • Spirit
    Skills (65)Soul Manipulate: TerraformBend souls in the earth below to shoot out a pillar of stone at your enemies with such force that it breaks block.
  • Spirit
    Skills (66)Soul Manipulate: GustHarmonize with souls in the air and create wind from between your fists, before pounding it forwards upon your foes.
  • Spirit
    Skills (67)Blitz KickEnter the bringer light and step forward, zooming towards your enemy. Upon reaching them bring all but your right leg out of the light, and pummel them into the sky. Can be used in the air for a powerful luminescent kick.
  • Strength + Spirit
    Skills (68)Soul Manipulate: Mend


    Snap your arm back into place using manipulation healing you for a slight amount.
  • No Scaling

    These are clan skills used by Fullbringer.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (69)ExploitationManipulate the air's reishi and summon a bolt of water and fire, mix the two together exploiting the elements and fire it forward curving it towards nearby enemies. On contact, create a giant steam explosion scalding anyone hit and inflicting burn.
  • Exclusive to Michibane Clan
  • Spirit

    These are unique skills used by Fullbringer.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (70)CellphoneAllows the user to transport themselves to the Fullbringer HQ.
  • No Scaling

    Obtainable Skills[]

    • Legendary Skills

    • Boss Drops

    • Cybernetic Skills

    These are skills obtained from an Unstable Time Remnant or a Godly Drop From Ranked PVP's Battle Tower

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (71)Hado 91Perform a heavenly chant while creating meteors of reiatsu and poising them to strike, before pummeling your opponent with all the might of the skies.
  • Exclusive to Soul Reaper
  • Spirit
    Skills (72)Reiatsu EclipseCombust a miniature star of reiatsu in your palm, before releasing it into the air above you. From there it will continually release blasts of reiatsu upon your foes.
  • Spirit
    Skills (73)RyodanTake a mighty stance and condense all of your reiatsu along your blade's edge, at last releasing an earth shattering slash that can break the toughest of defenses
  • Strength + Spirit
    Skills (74)Flag of ResolvePull forth the very manifestation of your will to survive, and plant a flag stating your resolve. All damage taken within its domain will be redirected to the flag.
  • The size of the skill increases when you put a Prodigy Crystal on it.
  • Vitality
    Skills (75)Reiatsu BallCreate a ball of reiatsu and hurl it towards your enemy, after it bounces off of them if you touch it again you can continue the combo.Strength + Spirit
    Skills (76)Ruthless FatalityWith a terrible rush of reiatsu, stomp the earth and strike forward. Unleashing a dastardly combo upon your foe.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar
  • Strength
    Skills (77)SprengerA holy art of the Quincies, create a pentagon of reishi and obliterate all who stand within it's boundaries.
  • Exclusive to Quincy and Quincycar
  • Spirit
    Skills (78)Gran rey ceroUsed only in desperation, the caster conjures a mighty cero at the cost of using a bit of their life force.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde and Arrancar
  • Strength + Spirit

    These are skills obtained by defeating a certain boss.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (79)Volcan CeroFunnel your reiatsu into your fists then slam it down into the ground, having it course through the earth and erupt into a devastating stream of ceros below an unsuspecting opponent. Time Bubble drop from the Ulquiorra Raid.
  • Exclusive to Vasto Lorde + Arrancar + Vizard
  • Spirit
    Skills (80)SoukotsuHammer an ocean of reiatsu into your fists, and in an instant, devastate everything that lays in your way. Time Bubble drop from the Yamamoto Raid.
  • Strength

    These are skills obtained by using Body Modifiers.

    MediaSkill NameDescriptionScaling
    Skills (81)Machine Gun RushCharge then fire a storm of bullets infront of you. Those hit by it will be set aflame. Can be obtained by bringing a Gatling Barrel to Johan.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • Strength +


    Skills (82)FlareLaunch a Flare into the sky to notify allies of your location. Can be obtained by bringing a Gatling Barrel to Johan.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • No Scaling
    Skills (83)Vital SurgeActivate the life support in your heart, shocking you and waking up even during bad time. (Only usable while knocked) Can be obtained by bringing a Reactor battery to Johan.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • Spirit
    Skills (84)UndetectableWhen used, silence your heart so mobs can not hear you approaching them nearby.... Can be obtained by bringing a Reactor battery to Johan.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • No Scaling
    Skills (85)Optic FlareReflect the sunlight towards your enemies eyes blinding and stunning anyone who looks at you for a second. Can be obtained by bringing a Visor Lens to Johan.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • No Scaling
    Skills (86)EvaluationEvaluate the level and build type of a being. Can be obtained by bringing a Visor Lens to Johan.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • No Scaling
    Skills (87)Blue IgniteAbsorb Reshi in the air and pump it through your arm, lighting a fuse and sending out a massive beam causing destruction and inflicting blue flame.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • Spirit
    Skills (88)Blue EmberCreate a blue ember from your palm that can be used as a light source.
  • Exclusive to Quincy + Quincycar
  • No Scaling


    1. if you use a skill right as your last m1 animation starts, it will do the skill and push them away at the same time, this can be used to combo things you weren't able to, it also takes off some start up stun.
      • Example: if used in this way, Flash Draw starts another combo.
      • if this is used with Shinten Raiho (Hado 88), it can be utilized in a combo.
      • if done in the air with this trick, Getsuga Tensho (Kurosaki Clan Soul Reaper) is a true combo ender.
      • etc
    2. Reiatsu Ball could possibly be inspired by a technique used by Shinobu Sensui, a Yu Yu Hakusho character. Specifically, his Resshū Kō Kyū Ha technique where he generates a ball of spirit energy and kicks it.
    3. If the opponent successfully blocks the Reiatsu Ball with perfect timing, they have the ability to return it by kicking.
    4. Ruthless fatality could be inspired by Akuma from Street Fighter.
    Skills (2024)


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