Generation Manifestation (1) (Gen M) (2024)

Elizabeth Sagan

256 reviews2,297 followers

May 23, 2018

I LOVED THIS! I received I Want Superpowers from the author in return for an honest review, and let me tell you: this is the best book that I was asked to read in all my bookstagram/goodreads history. I am so happy that I found such a series to look forward to! Do you even know how difficult is to find a good dystopian book about people with superpowers?!
You have this story of a post-apocalyptic world, divided between the Supergenics (those who have superpowers) and the dregs (those who don’t), basically our own world (even though it’s not specifically said so, but this is how it felt like) a few years after The Genetic Wars that left the world in ruins. When the first superpowers manifested, people were afraid and killed and tortured those who possessed them. In the end the Supergenics won and created a city only for them, while the dregs were oppressed.
First of all, it’s unpredictable. You have this story and you think you know what is going to happen, but you have no idea how many times my predictions were wrong.
Second, the characters were so cool!
Third, I loved reading about the Supergenics, about their city, about their life! I would read their shopping list and their socks label if I could! Everything about them was so interesting and I hope the sequel will have more information about them! The Supergenics = The Epics in Steelheart.
I would love to see a prequel! And I can’t wait to read the sequel!! I’m glad I didn’t discover this book till now because I don’t have to wait so much for the next one haha! I will end this with a quote. A part of it is a huge spoiler so please don’t read it unless you’re super sure (I marked it). But before that, I want to thank Steven Bereznai for reaching out and Thomas F. for his wonderful (and equally positive review of this book) that convinced me that I have to read it. I can compare it with Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. And with Hunger Games. And with X-Men. I Want Superpowers deserves to become a super popular book and I strongly believe more people should know about it!
A lot of people think love is that wild feeling they get in their belly when they see or think about or touch that other person. At least that’s how they’ve described it. I wouldn’t know. But I do know that isn’t love. That’s infatuation. This is love. When things get hard and ugly and the one you love stumbles under the weight, and you take it on yourself so that other person can keep going. My love for you has deepened over . My love for you is not the romantic kind. It runs so much deeper than that. You saved me from myself. Now I will do the same for you.


8,864 reviews978 followers

May 4, 2022

Divergent + The Hunger Games x The X-Men = A Compelling Read.

Caitlyn lives in a post-apocalyptic future where normal humans struggle to get by in a 1984 type society that is protected from giant mutant animals by the Supergenics. Caitlyn dreams of manifesting powers so she can join the city of heroes. She's obsessed with comic book superheroes as she reaches the verge of adulthood. As she trains for various jobs, she learns the heroes may not be all she thought they were.

There was a lot to like about this. Caitlyn, Normand and the rest of her friends were great. I loved all the allusions to DC and Marvel characters. The story is gripping and had me turning page after page. I'm very much looking forward to a sequel.

FYI, this was originally published in 2016 as I Want Superpowers.

    2022 edelweiss edelweiss-2022

Elizabeth Sagan

256 reviews2,297 followers

January 4, 2021

I LOVED THIS! I received it from the author in exchange for an honest review and it's on my list of the best books I've ever read. I am so happy that I found such a series to look forward to! Do you know how difficult it is to find a good dystopian book about people with superpowers?!
You have this story of a post-apocalyptic world, divided between the Supergenics (those who have superpowers) and the dregs (those who don’t), basically our own world (even though it’s not specifically said so, but this is how it felt like) a few years after The Genetic Wars that left the world in ruins. When the first superpowers manifested, people were afraid and killed and tortured those who possessed them. In the end the Supergenics won (finally, a story where the superpowered people aren't the oppressed minority, but the ruling class).
First of all, it’s unpredictable. You have this story and you think you know what is going to happen, but you have no idea how many times my predictions were wrong.
Second, the characters were so cool!
Third, I loved reading about the Supergenics, about their city, about their life! I would read their shopping list and their socks label if I could! Everything about them was so interesting and I hope the sequel will have more information about them! The Supergenics = The Epics in Steelheart.
I would love to see a prequel! And I can’t wait to read the sequel!! I will end this with a quote. A part of it is a huge spoiler so please don’t read it unless you’re super sure (I marked it). I can compare it with Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. And with Hunger Games. And with X-Men.
A lot of people think love is that wild feeling they get in their belly when they see or think about or touch that other person. At least that’s how they’ve described it. I wouldn’t know. But I do know that isn’t love. That’s infatuation. This is love. When things get hard and ugly and the one you love stumbles under the weight, and you take it on yourself so that other person can keep going. My love for you has deepened over . My love for you is not the romantic kind. It runs so much deeper than that. You saved me from myself. Now I will do the same for you.


69 reviews92 followers


October 29, 2023


I want to thank the author for sending me an ARC of 'Generation Manifestation' in exchange for an honest review!

I'm a sucker for sci-fi books and movies, and so when I read sci-fi books/watch movies sometimes things can feel quite repetitive. But this book was very unique and I was so drawn to the plot. Every time I picked this book up I just couldn't stop reading it. Unfortunately I had many final exams so it took a while until I got the chance to discover how things ended. But I was so glad when I finally did and was happy about the way it ended.
The writing was incredible, the characters were well developed. There wasn't too much of the world building that sometimes makes books in those genres feel boring. There was a lot of action and the book ended up with a very exciting plot twist.

I highly recommend this book for Sci-fi&Dystopia fans. Although this is a YA book, it feels to me like it could match to anyone who just looking for books with superpowers and heroes.

Ananya Bose

111 reviews17 followers

May 27, 2021


I really liked this book. One of the best things about this book was in the start I expected it to take the same beaten path. But it subverted my expectations. And I couldn't predict where the book was going next. It made me nostalgic as I read dystopia after a long time an made me go back to time I was introduced to that genre of books.
The first half was a little slow but necessary since there had to be world building to be done but the second half made up for it. I wish the book was slightly longer though.
And I cant wait for the next book which would include the backstory of a certain supergenic.

I received an ARC from the author, whom I would I like to thank. The review are my honest opinions

    2021 fantasy ya


282 reviews150 followers

February 13, 2017

This book was amazing! It definitely had some minor flaws, but I just couldn't put it down! Another review is coming soon!

Full Review with images is on my blog:

Full Review:

Monday, February 13, 2017
BOOKREVIEW: I Want Superpowers by Steven Bereznai
Hello bookdragons!
Welcome back to my blog!

Fist of all, I'm so sorry for disappearing! I was just a bit more busy than I usually am, because I was hosting another super fun #stefansreadalong and there's also a giveaway I'm hosting on instagram for my next #stefansreadalong so make sure to join! Any way, I'm back now with another SUPER review for another SUPER novel named I Want Superpowers, which is by Steven Bereznai! This review is non-spoiler, but it will include a mini section with some of the plot twists I did not see coming (so spoilers, duhhh), but it will be labelled "Spoiler Section blah blah", *still haven't decided how to call it, ops*!

“It’s like the lovechild of 1984 and The Chrysalids.”

-Joe Pedro, Passport magazine

If you don't know anything about I Want Superpowers:

It's a YA Dystopian book, hopefully to be expanded and become a series.
Highly recommended to fans of comics and super heroes! I'm not a huge fan of comics, but this book made me want to buy them all and read them haha!
Reminds me a lot of The Hunger Games and Divergent. Specially the beginning with all the dress and styling scenes, but afterwards the book follows its own unique path.
It's action packed and super-fast paced from the beginning!
It's really cool how this feels like sci-fi and dystopian. I've read a lot of dystopian books, but none like this one. Like, this is supposed to be XMen with The Hunger Games, but I can't confirm about the XMen part since I haven't watched it (well, except cartoons, I think) *I know, shoot me*.
Interesting fact: our main instead of not wanting to join the "enemy", actually wants to join them, so wow.
The Genetic Wars that turned most of the planet into a wasteland are over. The so-called “dregs” (short for “DNA regulars”) and superpowered “Supergenics” now live separately from each other: the Supergenics in the shiny towers of Jupitar City, the dregs across the river in the squat concrete buildings of the boroughs. But Supergenic children are still born to dreg parents, and under repressive laws must be sent to live with their own kind. To find these special few, every teen faces their Testing Day. When her turn comes, socially isolated Caitlin Feral is determined to Manifest superpowers. If she fails, she faces a lifetime of loneliness and drudgery in the boroughs. But how much is she willing to sacrifice to be the supergirl she’s always wanted to be? And when she uncovers dark secrets kept by both sides, does she dare start another war to reveal the truth?

✨ Before we start the review, I'd liket to thank Mr Steven for providing me with a SIGNED first edition of his book! I trully appreciate this and I'm extra grateful!
✨ Fisrt of all: NO, this is not cheesy at all! YES, the title sounds like it, but once you read the actual book, you'll find the hidden meaning behind the title!
✨ I've already spoken of the beginning, so let's continue with the rest of the plot. I really like how realistic the book was, and how the teacher was portrayed as a mean lady, who only cares for her image, because let's face it: that's how people act in real life too. Also, Liliane's character as the rival of our main character was kind of predictable, but still good.
✨ The relationship between Caitlin and Bardie was a bit unnatural. (MINOR SPOILER: I get that they faced something dangerous and kissed and Bardie was flirting and that kind of stuff, but that's not love, well at least not love at first sight from how Caitlin's POV shows us. It just isn't genuine.
✨On the other hand, I loved Caitlin's friendship with Normand! It took time to build and felt more real!
✨ The characters were cool most of the time (MINOR SPOILER: well except Trenton, who got weird but okayyy). I say most of the time, because sometimes they just felt flat. Like there was nothing going on and it just felt awkward and weird. Also, they were taking kind of reckless decissions when there was no reason at all.
✨ Last about the characters: I love how Caitlin overcame her struggles and found her own hero in herself by the end of the book! This sends such an empowering message towards everyone who is struggling.

✨ Now, more on the plot: This was quite unpredictable. There were a lot of plot twists which I was not expecting at all.
✨ The book was fast paced and it had a ton of action, which I absolutely love and actually, that's what I expect from dystopian/sci-fi/fantasy novels! So yes, this did meet my expectations!
✨ Though I enjoyed the book a lot, it obviously did have some holes that need filling, (if you've read it, you'll know what I mean) *hopefully will be filled in book 2, crosses fingers*.
✨ I need to read the sequel, which I hope will be written and published soon, so that I'll see if Mr Steven's writing improves (it's actually already really good) and if the characters get better!

✨ The ending was really satisfying, but as I've said: I need the sequel to answer my questions haha!
✨Overall, I did enjoy the book, and the small flaws I've pointed out are, as I've said, really minor, but they might seem a bit bigger right now because of my explanation of them.
✨ I definitely recommend this book. It's a great choice if you're looking for something fresh in the dystopian genre! Specially if you love comics, superheroes, action, quick-reads and... PLOT TWISTS!
✨ Final Rating: 4.5/5s.
✨Recommend it? HIGHLY!

Mini Spoiler Section:
✨Wow, Eel Man turned out to be with the resistance, which I did not see coming (I think I should have, but I probably was so sucked in the main story, and so my brain did not have time to predict things lol).
✨And Liliane?! I didn't see that coming either! Omg just wow!
✨And omg! Normand's self-sacrifice!!! *sad face*

✨Paperbacks and ebooks are available on bookdepository, amazon, ibooks and kindle unlimited!
✨Stay tuned because I have more amazing giveaways coming soon here on my blog!



398 reviews

November 2, 2016

I'd like to start off this review by thanking the author, Steven Bereznai, for sending me this fantastic book to read and review. It took me a while to read as I've been extremely busy, but this book was worth it! Every time I picked this book up, no matter where I was in the story, it was just as riveting and wonderful! There was not a single slow scene! This book had the perfect mix of world building, character development and rich content that were tied beautifully with a unique form of writing. To be honest, it was like nothing I've read before so I was very grateful to read it because it really was fresh and innovative. Many books get too repetitive with their dystopia themes, but this was honestly something completely different. Fans of X-men, divergent, and hunger games will definitely love this book! It really gave me heavy divergent feels, and so I just instantly fell in love with it! However, it was also a very distinct novel and the plot was very much unique. I also liked how complex this book was. Like, I tried predicting what would happen but I was so off! The plot twists were just out of this world and it left me wanting more. Like, i just need a whole series!!!! It's so addicting, and you won't be able to put it down! It had me on the edge of my seat, and to be honest, crying by the end of it. I don't want to spoil it, but it will really mess with your feels! My favourite character was Normand. I just loved how he spoke like a robot and was such a geek. You know, it's always the ones that you expect the least of to end up being the most important ;). Being a nerd myself, I related to Normand and was so proud of him for representing the nerd, emotionally detached population so amazingly!!! Then, Bradie was such a sweetheart! Like he was so cute and I could see why Caitin loved him!!! The relationship between Bradie and his brother was also just perfect- like GOALS!!! I got a lot out of this book. I learned to not follow things blindly- always think of what you're doing, and the effect of your actions not only on yourself, but your loved ones. I also learned that although parents might sometime drive you insane, they are basing their knowledge off personal experiences, so we should really try to be more considerate. Then, no matter where you go and how successful you become in life, you always need to remember your roots and stay humble. Don't let success get to your head and although new friends are great, remember that old is gold and keep your enemies close. As you can see, I got A LOT of this book, and I also just really fell in love with the world and the plot. The scientific POV and their explaantion for their world really makes sense, and I don't doubt a genocide war could happen ith the amount of hate in our current world, which makes it more intriguing. But then you realize that perfection doesn't exist and even in a seemingly perfect world, issues come up.
Overall, I would highly recommend everyone to read this book because it just blew my mind! and the plot twists like WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!??!!

Syd (deertales)

353 reviews29 followers

February 18, 2017

4.5 stars!

I am so pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this book!

I have a huge interest in superheroes due to my Marvel obsessed boyfriend, so when Steven Bereznai offered to send a copy of "I Want Superpowers" my way, I wholeheartedly agreed.

I feel like it needs to be said that I am always mildly hesitant to accept books from authors. The reason being that when I because really interested in the book world and reviewing books seriously (rather than the old "it was good!" reviews I used to write when I first started using Goodreads), I told myself that I would always be honest with how I felt, whether I enjoyed a book or subsequently did not. I would never advocate for something that I didn't like, that just isn't who I am.

With that out of the way, holy hell.

Steven Bereznai has something really special here, something that speaks to the certified nerd in me. He has not only created a story that feels wholly original, characters that were intriguing and real, and a plot that kept me turning the pages; but he did all of this in less than 300 freaking pages. I have read several reviews that say this book combines aspects of The Hunger Games and 1984, and while I agree with that sentiment for the first quarter of the book, after that point I Want Superpowers finds its own unique path. While there is no doubt that this book should be classified as a dystopia subgenre (a genre I usually stay away from mind you) there was not a cliche dystopia feel to it.

The writing was, in one word, fantastic. I was engaged, and the story is told from a first person POV from a character who is competent in telling the story. There are messages of love, love that extends past a romantic relationship. Messages of friendship that are so real and true. The importance of independence and sacrifice can be found in these pages too, the fact that one can be a super being without having super powers.

I really don't want to get into any spoilers or talk about what happens and what doesn't because I read this book with a complete blank slate and I loved it for that reason. I highly recommend this book to any superhero fans out there, whether its a mild interest or a rabid obsession. If you liked Brandon Sanderson's Reckoners Trilogy, you should most certainly give I Want Superpowers a go.

And me, I will be sitting over here waiting for Bereznai to turn this into a series because dammit, I need to know what happens next.

    2017-reads indie-reads sci-fi


944 reviews16 followers

August 10, 2021

The genetic wars that made waste of our world also changed some kids into superheros that live in Jupiter City and get the best of everything. The rest of the kids DNA regulars (DREGS) get tested periodically to make sure they are not manifesting some super power and if they are they are taken to Jupiter City to live with the rest of their kind. If not they get sorted into the jobs that need workers. Caitlin wants so badly to manifest and be like to superheroes in the comic books she loves so much, but how far will she go to become a superhero?

This was a awesome coming of age in a desolate world story, where one ordinary girl just wants to stand out. This book is full of action and suspense but it is the twists that you need to watch out for. This book will not disappoint any reader, young, old, or reluctant, you will find yourself cheering for some of the bad guys. So give it a try I hope you will like it as much as I did.

Books of Cat

55 reviews28 followers

January 16, 2021

Actual Rating: 4.5 ⭐️'s

This book was given to me by the author for an honest review. This review is not affected by anything, it contains my true feelings.
Actually, his novel arrived a week ago but I was in a reading slump. I was afraid to start reading. Then I changed my mind and read the first two chapters of I Want Superpowers. The minute I finished chapter two, I couldn't put it down.
This book is about a dystopian world where Dregs (humans) and Supergenics (super powered people) live. They share the same planet until the Genetic Wars.
Dregs can have Supergenetic children. When children reach a certain age (13), they get tested for the next three years. The final testing day is the most important one, because they'll learn whether they have powers or not. If they pass, they will be taken away from their families to be given to their "original" supergenic families. Because it is believed that children's parents only give the seed for the egg.
Pass or fail, either way it's pretty bad. The testing system is one of the cruelest things you can ever see. They try everything on children's body/mind to see if they have some kind of immunity. Mostly, they are tortured to die. There's no pity or humanity in the people who make the tests.

The protagonist, Caitlin, is 16 and she will be tested for the last time. Her father is murdered by a protector. Her mother and little brother Nate are the only family she has. She wants to be a supergenic but also she's afraid to leave her family behind.
She meets a telepath named Joshua before she got tested. He thinks she will be a legend and thats when her story begins.

Caitlin knows what she wants. She is brave, strong, and determined. This is my definition of heroine.
I loved the fact that she loves comic books. I always feel closer to a character when they like to read.
Joshua's ability is telepathy. If I had to choose a super power, my first choice would be telepathy. He seemed so interested in with Caitlin and he thinks she's very special.
I wish I could read more about Joshua because I loved him and I felt there could be something between him and Caitlin.

The last couple of chapters had plot twists and I wasn't expecting them. I was shocked every time I learned something about the side characters. When I finished the last page, I had to close my eyes for a second and try to keep my mind together. I am not sure if it was an ending or a new beginning.
This novel is a mixture of science,family, tradition, and society. Steven Bereznai created a unique dystopian world. Without a doubt, it is perfect for superhero fans!
I am looking forward to read the new version of this amazingly written novel :)

Books of Cat

55 reviews28 followers

July 15, 2021

Rating: 5/5 ★’s

I want to thank the author Steven Bereznai, for sending me copy of his novel for an honest review. This review is not affected by anything, it contains my true feelings.
You have to Manifest to be valuable.
You're either a Supergenic or a dreg. Once you're past a certain age, you have to be tested 3 years in a row to see if you can Manifest. On the Testing days you're pushed to your limit. Tortured even worse if there are few Manifestations... What would you rather do? Manifest and leave your family behind or not Manifest and get aggressively tortured until the moment you can no longer move?

Jupitar City is for the people who Manifest, and boroughs are for the “normals”. It is believed that every Supergenic lives in peace and wealth in the City away from the boring working lives of the drags.

A 16-years-old girl, Caitlin, desperately needs to fail her last test. Her father was killed by the Protectors. Her brother Nathan and her mom are everything she has left. Her mother doesn’t want her to be taken away from them, and turned into a kind of monster others have become.

After everyone learns that Caitlin is useless, she is sent to be trained for her future job like every other non-powerful kid. There, she sees the real, more cruel truth about her world. Most of the food being given away to the Jupitar City, courageus people being taken away, and the reality of being a Supergenic.

"We can be more than they will allow. You can be more. The Supergenics use us as indentured servants. They turn us against each other. They take our children, our brothers, our sisters, then expect us to thank them for it. They try to break us, but we are stronger than they know. You are stronger than you know. We ARE Generation Manifestation. It's time to show them what that means."
Its been a while since I've read any dystopian, so this was very refreshing. This book is hands down my favorite so far this year. It was easy to read, very well written, and detailed. The first couple of chapters were slow but I see it as an opportunity to get used to the characters and the story. I could understand the details alot easier before the plot became fast paced. After that, it was full of action. It ended with an exciting twist, which left me even more curious about what’s to come in the upcoming novel of the Gen M series. I definitely recommend this novel to everyone who enjoys reading about superpowers and heroes. You will not regret reading it!

The Librarian's Granddaughter

436 reviews39 followers

June 7, 2021

"Generation Manifestation" by Steven Bereznai is a book that I would not touch in general. The annotation didn't sound very promising to me, and something in the story reminded me of Divergent. I didn't like the cover at all. When the author sent me a copy of the book, I decided to give it a try anyway. As a matter of fact, I liked the book. Which reminds me not to judge books by their covers. In the story we find ourselves in a world half destroyed by the so-called genetic wars. After them, some people have shown super powers and live in a separate shiny city. If ordinary people need their help, they lend a hand. Sometimes, however, those without power give birth to gifted children who are taken to the other city by force. Every teenager takes tests to see if they have abilities.

Caitlin is one of those who has no powers. She longs to show some abilities in the tests. She wants to leave the grayness in which she lives and be a superhero as those from her favorite comics. In the beginning, I didn't like her character at all. She looked just like an angry and disgruntled teenager. Slowly, however, she begins to reveal buried secrets. As she trains to become a protector, she encounters many obstacles. What she finds is awful. Will she be able to find allies and realize what exactly a revolution would mean? There are horrifying things behind the shiny walls of the distant city. I liked that the action is quite dynamic. The descriptions were skillfully described among the dialogues, which were quite fresh. I liked that the love story was there, but it was more in the background. I definitely liked the finale, which leaves a place for interpreting of what will follow.

I liked the gradation in Caitlin's character. I may have wanted for her to fix her relationship with her mother, but I know it wasn't that important in the story. Somewhat I wanted more details to emerge about her father's disappearance. I didn't particularly like Normand as a character, but the story had an interesting twist with him. I was quite surprised by what happened to Lillianne and it was a very interesting outcome. The book managed to surprise me more than once and I found the story interesting. I'm glad I had the pleasure of reading it.


192 reviews4 followers

May 5, 2021

When first reading this dystopian book, it reminded me of Divergent in the sense that people are sorted into different groups. This, for me personally, made me feel a bit of deja vu, because I saw a lot of similarities in the two stories. However, what made it unique was the characters. Even at the beginning of the story, we see how the main character's mother impacts her life, with her mother even choosing her job options. We also see how her classmate impacts her by just leaving her a new book. This made the story more interesting. To make this story better, I would have started the action and excitement of the story earlier. A quarter through the book and not much has happened other than the main character getting a banned book. I think the idea of dystopia is already familiar to a lot of people, so you can spend a bit less time setting up the world. All in all, I liked the book and especially the different characters, however I thought it was very similar to other dystopian books.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


2,102 reviews41 followers

July 23, 2021

Seriously excellent dystopian! Not the setup you'd expect, characters die, darn it! Very well thought out, excellent character writing

June 21, 2021

Thanks to the publisher for providing an eARC of Generation Manifestation in exchange for an honest review.

So I try not to go into books with expectations, but when I went to add this to my currently reading on goodreads, I realized that this isn't my first Steven Bereznai superhero book and I was... less than a fan of his other work I've read. For all the flaws in Queeroes though, Generation Manifestation seems to have the solution.

By focusing on only one POV, Bereznai is able to create some really unique, more dynamic characters for reader to get invested in and while superhero stories are definitely known for their tropes, Bereznai does a really good job of subverting genre tropes and expectations here. This was so much better than I was expecting it to be and I'm glad I gave Bereznai a second chance.



398 reviews

December 16, 2020

I'd like to start off this review by thanking the author, Steven Bereznai, for sending me this fantastic book to read and review. It took me a while to read as I've been extremely busy, but this book was worth it! Every time I picked this book up, no matter where I was in the story, it was just as riveting and wonderful! There was not a single slow scene! This book had the perfect mix of world building, character development and rich content that were tied beautifully with a unique form of writing. To be honest, it was like nothing I've read before so I was very grateful to read it because it really was fresh and innovative. Many books get too repetitive with their dystopia themes, but this was honestly something completely different. Fans of X-men, divergent, and hunger games will definitely love this book! It really gave me heavy divergent feels, and so I just instantly fell in love with it! However, it was also a very distinct novel and the plot was very much unique. I also liked how complex this book was. Like, I tried predicting what would happen but I was so off! The plot twists were just out of this world and it left me wanting more. Like, i just need a whole series!!!! It's so addicting, and you won't be able to put it down! It had me on the edge of my seat, and to be honest, crying by the end of it. I don't want to spoil it, but it will really mess with your feels! My favourite character was Normand. I just loved how he spoke like a robot and was such a geek. You know, it's always the ones that you expect the least of to end up being the most important ;). Being a nerd myself, I related to Normand and was so proud of him for representing the nerd, emotionally detached population so amazingly!!! Then, Bradie was such a sweetheart! Like he was so cute and I could see why Caitin loved him!!! The relationship between Bradie and his brother was also just perfect- like GOALS!!! I got a lot out of this book. I learned to not follow things blindly- always think of what you're doing, and the effect of your actions not only on yourself, but your loved ones. I also learned that although parents might sometime drive you insane, they are basing their knowledge off personal experiences, so we should really try to be more considerate. Then, no matter where you go and how successful you become in life, you always need to remember your roots and stay humble. Don't let success get to your head and although new friends are great, remember that old is gold and keep your enemies close. As you can see, I got A LOT of this book, and I also just really fell in love with the world and the plot. The scientific POV and their explaantion for their world really makes sense, and I don't doubt a genocide war could happen ith the amount of hate in our current world, which makes it more intriguing. But then you realize that perfection doesn't exist and even in a seemingly perfect world, issues come up.
Overall, I would highly recommend everyone to read this book because it just blew my mind! and the plot twists like WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!??!!

Books of Cat

55 reviews28 followers

February 23, 2017

Actual Rating: 4.5 ⭐️'s

This book was given to me by the author for an honest review. This review is not affected by anything, it contains my true feelings.
Actually, his novel arrived a week ago but I was in a reading slump. I was afraid to start reading. Then I changed my mind and read the first two chapters of I Want Superpowers. The minute I finished chapter two, I couldn't put it down.
This book is about a dystopian world where Dregs (humans) and Supergenics (super powered people) live. They share the same planet until the Genetic Wars.
Dregs can have Supergenetic children. When children reach a certain age (13), they get tested for the next three years. The final testing day is the most important one, because they'll learn whether they have powers or not. If they pass, they will be taken away from their families to be given to their "original" supergenic families. Because it is believed that children's parents only give the seed for the egg.
Pass or fail, either way it's pretty bad. The testing system is one of the cruelest things you can ever see. They try everything on children's body/mind to see if they have some kind of immunity. Mostly, they are tortured to die. There's no pity or humanity in the people who make the tests.

The protagonist, Caitlin, is 16 and she will be tested for the last time. Her father is murdered by a protector. Her mother and little brother Nate are the only family she has. She wants to be a supergenic but also she's afraid to leave her family behind.
She meets a telepath named Joshua before she got tested. He thinks she will be a legend and thats when her story begins.

Caitlin knows what she wants. She is brave, strong, and determined. This is my definition of heroine.
I loved the fact that she loves comic books. I always feel closer to a character when they like to read.
Joshua's ability is telepathy. If I had to choose a super power, my first choice would be telepathy. He seemed so interested in with Caitlin and he thinks she's very special.
I wish I could read more about Joshua because I loved him and I felt there could be something between him and Caitlin.

The last couple of chapters had plot twists and I wasn't expecting them. I was shocked every time I learned something about the side characters. When I finished the last page, I had to close my eyes for a second and try to keep my mind together. I am not sure if it was an ending or a new beginning.
This novel is a mixture of science,family, tradition, and society. Steven Bereznai created a unique dystopian world. Without a doubt, it is perfect for superhero fans!


47 reviews1 follower

May 27, 2021

Thank you Edelweiss for providing an advanced reading copy. This is my honest review of Generation Manifestation.

This is the first dystopian book I’ve read since the hiatus I took from the genre. And it did not disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

Some of the elements of Generation Manifestation did remind me of The Hunger Games and Divergent, yet it was completely unique and separate from the aforementioned series. The use of comics here was well integrated into the world and was quite valuable as an example of just how much fiction affects reality (even in books).

The LGBTQ+ rep in this was amazing. I loved how the genders the unknown characters were written as, ‘those who identified as female/male’ and not simply assumed based on appearance.
The romantic aspect was a bit of a miss for me because it felt too sudden, to be honest and I didn’t feel a lot of chemistry between Caitlin and Bradie. Caitlin was a flawed character yes but she was also strong and she recognized those flaws and actively tried to overcome them which I appreciated. Bradie as a character though was quite likeable and honestly, I feel horrible for what happened to the guy by the end, he didn’t deserve it (no I, won’t write what happened to him because spoilers). I adored Normand. He was such a smart, weird and loveable character who turned out to be surprisingly cunning.

*This is spoiler-y*
I’d love to see more of Nate in the next book. I feel like the aspect of Cailin’s relationship with her family was a loose end, considering that she was close with her brother Nate. I get that she was being brainwashed but after she snapped out of it, she was too busy trying to rebel to think of the family that she left behind and I do think it’s rather odd for her to never think of her brother with whom she was close after moving to the Cube.
*End of spoiler-y content*
The initial 50% of the book was a little slow for me but then when things picked up, they went at breakneck pace and refused to slow, ending on a massive cliffhanger. The worldbuilding was pretty good, and classic dystopian, so it was pretty easy for me to have a mental image of the setting. The writing style was engaging, simple and clear.

I’d definitely recommend this book for anyone looking for a good dystopian book and I’m quite eager to find out what happens next.



216 reviews9 followers

May 27, 2021

I was given an Arc of this book in exchange for a review.

Years after a war, genetically mutated animals roam the world. So in exchange for safety the Supergenics, people with superpowers, request that each child is tested for superpowers and if it possesses them, then given to them. Caitlin is just about to be tested the last time, before beginning to work, to be a productive member of their society.

I really enjoyed the story, that was so full with secrets and twists and lots of planning. There are also quite a few tragic scenes, though they fit the story.

Caitlin was an okay character. I didn’t love her in the beginning, but she got better. I just felt she was too oblivious and naïve at the start of the book. The minor characters such as Normand or Eel Man or Bradie are all nice and had me rooting for them.

I liked the setting with all the genetic mutations happening and the political system. It seemed to actually make sense, contrary to other dystopian books, though I’m fascinated it didn’t collapse early on with so many people hating it.

The style was lovely, I could feel what Caitlin went through.
The only thing that threw me out of the story was the he/she/zir (?) sometimes used for a child screaming in the distance, which I felt was unnecessary. I mean, as an author you can decide it’s a she or him or just stick to “it”. I also feel like it would be easier to just say “boys wore trousers and girls skirts” or such instead of “those who were identified as boys/girls” which read a lil clunky. I understand it wanted to be inclusive, but since no one who was non-conforming was actually mentioned (or I didn’t catch it) it just seemed useless to me.

All in all, its an enjoyable book set in a dystopian future with a young girl trying to find her way in life. It gets four stars from me.



111 reviews14 followers

April 18, 2021

This book. I have no words to describe it. This book was full of plot twists and kept me hooked. I cannot wait for book 2. There are questions that are going to need to be answered. Especially, after that ending. Please be prepared for a long review.

Things I loved:
- The world building. The whole story was really interesting.
- Caitlin is great female protagonist. She can be annoying at times and self-centered, but Bereznai works magic in developing her character.
- I love the character development in this book. As each character develops, it shows in the book. Their development really influences the book's twists and turns.
- Some of the plot twists in this book. This book is a true dystopian. There is so much plot development and I love watching the world build as you continue reading.
- I love the combination of superheroes and dystopian. Also, some of those powers were cool. Especially one of the characters power.
- I love the use of comics books in this book. It really helps in showing the different world.
- Can I just say that Normand is my favorite character. I love that he is nerdy and socially awkward, but is always finding a solution.

Things I didn't enjoy:
- What happened!!! That was not a plot twist I wanted to read. (I can't say more because of the spoilers)
- I didn't really like Bradie's character.
- The cliffhanger. I did not need that after what happened before. You do not end a book in the middle of something important.

Overall, I loved this book. There were things that I really didn't enjoy about this book. I really loved the use of comic books and the importance of them throughout the book. There are many characters that you can love.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

    arc-reads dystopian ya-favorites


52 reviews5 followers

June 10, 2021

Generation Manifestion by Steven Bereznai is a fresh, new contender in the world of young adult dystopian literature.

The world is separated into two distinct classes, the supergenics and the dregs (ordinary humans with no supergenic abilities). Caitlin, our protagonist, hopes that on testing day, her special power will manifest and she will get to live the life of her revered superheroes in "the city". But, as testing day arrives, Caitlin has to face the fact that she possesses no super power. This does not stop her from trying to reach her goal. She joins forces with an unlikely ally and turns the world upside down.

This book has similarities to series such as Divergent and Marvel/DC series but the author makes it his own universe by having unique characters, well drawn up world building and an engaging plot where every guess you make will be wrong. The story unfolds at a good pace and the balance between background and world building to action is well balanced.

I really wanted to know more about the city and see more of the superhero side of the story.

I loved the inclusiveness of this book, the author does not shy away from topics such as gender identity, neuro diversity and disabilites.

If you are looking for a solid follow on after Divergent, this will not disappoint.

I would like to thank the author and Booksirens for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


2,199 reviews

May 4, 2021

This book was received as an ARC from Jambor Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.

If you are fans of the Divergent series, you will love Generation Manifestation. The setting is very similar to Divergent with the types of dregs and how they were being tested and put into groups and there is always one rebel that is determined to change it up and cause some chaos. As for Caitlin, shed hopes to manifest into the superheroes she loves or else she will return to exile and suffer a lifetime of loneliness. Then the twist of the century nothing is what it seems and that there is a dark secret roaming around that can make or break everything and Caitlin is the one to reveal it. My heart was pumping and I was taken on such a thrill ride that I thought I was part of the book. I know our teen book club will be excited for it.

We will consider adding this title to our YA collection at our library. That is why we give this book 5 stars.

    collection edelweiss


286 reviews94 followers

May 22, 2021

Full review here!

The long and the short:
Considering that young adult dystopian fiction hasn't been my preferred genre since 2016, I was amazed to find myself enjoying this novel. Sure, it had its not-for-me parts, including insta-romance and a couple of predictable character arcs, but it made up for all that by being well-paced and enjoyable, with plot twists that actually excited me.

Regardless of all that, I still think this book is best fit with the intended target audience i.e. teenagers, who would be able to enjoy the writing and all other aspects more than I did.

I was pre-approved by Edelweiss and the publisher for a free eARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

    fantasy sci-fi young-adult


49 reviews19 followers

June 26, 2021

I received this ARC for an honest review.
I really liked this book. I wasn't sure what to expect when I received it but I am pleasantly surprised. The beginning was a little slow but it has a knack for holding you there, to keep reading, which is understandable since this is a world unlike what you expect. It needed time to build and hook you in. It has been a long time since I have read a story like this, I really like the characters and their growth through the book. Although, at first, I will say that Caitlin was a bit frustrating. I also really hope that we get more of Joshua - I think I loved him the very first moment we met him.
I also liked that I couldn't predict what was going to happen, it kept me on my toes and the pages turning.
I really am looking forward to the next installment, I cant wait to see what they do next and how they handle the obstacles to come.

Minxy Melissa

2,536 reviews70 followers

August 7, 2023

There are no cardboard characters in I Want Super Powers. Every single character adds to the plot and helps move the story along. I have my favorites but there is something that they all share and that is that they are all complex but flawed and perfectly relatable. You will find yourself connecting to each character and suffering with them and hoping for them. I especially recommend this book to those of you who loved comic books and always imagined being the regular person who became something more than they are due to their trials and tribulations. Oh yes, we all love the anti-hero!

This review is based on a complimentary book I received from Author, Steven Bereznai. It is an honest and voluntary review. The complimentary receipt of it in no way affected my review or rating.

    dystopian read-in-2017 science-fiction

Joey Wargachuk

Author1 book9 followers

December 28, 2020

I'm a big fan of strong female protagonists, and the character of Caitlin Feral is a great addition to literary heroines who kick butt. Her love interest, Bradie, manages to be a brat, but sweet at the same time. And her unlikely best friend, nerdy and socially awkward Normand, always finds a way of holding his own (I would love to say more, but no spoilers!). "I Want Superpowers" has plenty of satisfying twists and unexpected turns, set in an interesting dystopian world that I hope the author will explore more in future novels.

Matthew W Seniff

150 reviews4 followers

December 31, 2020

This is a book with superheroes but not about superheroes. While this book is listed in the YA category it’s written for everyone that loves a good story. The characters are well developed and each with their own part to play. The world building is very sophisticated as the story develops. The plot has multiple threads that are all brought together into a satisfying ending. I recommend this book to all readers that enjoy a good sci-fi story as well as those of us that love themselves some superheroes.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Lori Peterson

986 reviews21 followers

December 17, 2020

Received as a review copy, this is an honest review. Catlin desperately wants to be a part of the select few that lives the best life in a destroyed world. When her Testing Day comes... it doesn't go as Catlin thought it would; leaving her with a future as a Dreg. As Catlin discovers, her true place is more complicated and dangerous than she imaged. Brilliant, edgy and vividly written... a can't miss dystopian adventure, highly recommended.

Tammy Loewen

5 reviews1 follower

December 30, 2020

Wow! This book was awesome. I really enjoyed the characters and their development. I was completely drawn in by the story and torn in so many directions as I tried to know who to root for, who to ‘ship’, and who was bad. I will definitely read more by this author.

If you want to feel like your life is dependant on how a story turns out then read this book!

Michael Wright Chambers

1 review

April 14, 2021

This author has the ability to make the situation of the story, in this case a dystopian future, seem all the more corporeal with the depth of the development of each character so everyone can relate to one of them and live in the world he masterfully created. Fascinating, soul touching, and leaves one wanting it to go on and on.

Generation Manifestation (1) (Gen M) (2024)


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