The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

HELP WANTED. FEMALE. STEADY 6. WORK Good Wages to Girls and Women 3 WEAVING Department Come at once ready to work The Cleveland-Akron Co. F.

10th and Perkins. 6 WOMEN Between 18-25 OFFICE POSITIONS Stenographers 'Typists Order Clerks Corespondence Clerks Punching Machine Opefrators 1 Classifiers Accountants Record Clerks If interested we shall be glad to have you call at our General Office. THE B. F. GOODRICH CO.

Akron, 0. 'TICS JAY CO. has openings for high class saleswomen experienced: in the lowing lines: BOYS' CLOTHING WASH GOODS HOUSE FURNISHINGS WOMEN'S SUITS 4 VEILINGS These are permanent. Apply Supt's The May Co. A MIGHTY GOOD PLACE TO WORK American Telephone Telegraph Co.

For years we hare dren steady. pro itable and agreeable employment to large number of and young women. Promotions to more sponsible executive positions are riven rapidly the Faulty 18, shown. There are DOW ponitiona ouen, dor full partie ular apply to MISS YOUNG 733 Euclid Av. YOUNG LADIES TO BECOME OPERATORS OF THE BURROUGHS BOOKKEEPING AND CALCULATING MACHINES: THE DEMAND IS GREATER TIIAN THE SUPPLY.

POSETIONS ARE HIGH GRADE. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. GOOD SALARIES. INQUIRE 214 ROCKEFELLER BLDG. YOUNG LADY to assist in dental office: must be quick and neat in appearance, also capable of operating typewriter.

Box 1112 Vi, Dealer. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Tich-clas: womar, 25. of good education and addreas. who wants more. money, more opportunity, more independence: dudes involre some traveling.

southern field for winter; work along educational lines; experience ounecentary: salery from start: position ultimately pays $200, $34) (and up) per month. Write for appointment or call personally. Jr. liart, 1104 Swetland Ride. WANTED Experienced dietaphone operator and stenographer combined; unusual opportunity for worker: $25 per week if you 0411 qualify; state experience fully in application.

Address Box 718 V. Plain Dealer. MAKE MONEY AT HOME. -You can earn from $1 to $2 an bonr writing show cards in no canvassing or soliciting: vre teach you how your spare time: quickly and easily learned; and well your work. Write Dept.

6 today for full particulars. American Show Card School, rie Torouto. Canada. YOUNG WOMAN With good handwriting. to work on books in Jarge real estate office: excellent prospects for advaccament.

Apply Box 1115 V. P'lain Dealer. BOYD SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS. Complete course in months; 20 day and Are. BOYD BUSINESS SCHOOL, Frie E.

9th and Prosy LEARN DICTAPHONE TYPEWRITER OPER. Earn machines free; home study. Positions open. Call 2 to 6, or write Amor. 760 Hippodrome Annex.

RAGTIME IN 20 LESSONS or money back. Booklet mailed: free. Christensen Schael. 401 Euclid Arcade. Main 1344 J.

Employment Barnaus (Female) BULLETIN West Side, must be 100 Stencgrapher, East Side. Stenographer, downtown West Sile Stenographer hookkeper, downtown SHY 3 2 typists, dictaphone A-1 firms operators Beginner 40 operator, downtown. 55 CONSOLIDATED AGENCIES 'Suite AR Hippodrome Bldg. WHITE -Day laundresses: cleaners: bousekeepers. counter girls, chambermaids; others.

Acme, 808 3f. 2410; Con. 2610. 5.. PAGE TWENTY TWO HELP WANTED FEMALE.

A MILLINERY Trimmers and Makers; steady work: Schuer's Millinery, 2257 Ontario St. A Also MILLINERY apprentice. MAKERS. Delightful esperienced. Daylight and airy work LANGER'S 1.30 Euclid.

NURSE Infant's. trained or trained nurse maid." Box 13 Plain Dealer. Energetic wenan with. some errorience AS practical or trained nurse for permanent medical prop: short hours; $13 to $30 ver week, 016 Engineers: Bide. NURSE or nursery exnd.

10303 Lake Shore nr. end of 1. Eddy NURSE some experience; take care child: willing to work on Jake Sbore bird. References. Phone Eddy 1762.

NURSE girl. experienced to take care of two chiidren. and netairs work. Marlo 2603. 18117 Clifton rd.

NURSEMAID, to take care of 3-mth -old babe: ref, 2104 Stearne Salte 2. G. 1302 NOR EMAIL For "year-old chid, Garfield 5721 J. .2123 Stearns Suite 3. NURSE GIRL, to take care baby, light hawk: good Eddy: J.

1062 07th. NURSE 1492 E. 107th. Cart. 1424.

OPERATOR. woman, to run power: darning machine; permanent position; Jewish Orphan AsyJum, 5000 Woodland. PRESSER on house dresses; experienced: down town. 328 Permanent 746 Euclid av. A SALESLADIES Experienced For suit department.

TIE HIRSCH CO. 430 Euclid Salespeople Experienced salespeople for the following READY TO WEAR JEWELRY GLOVES I'm. Taylor Son Co. SKIRT finishers on skirts. J.


STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS LEARN to tale dictation from the EDIPIIONE Have pleasant work all the time: we have many calla for stenographers and give FREE educational course on tho EDIPIIONE. ROACH-REID CO. Rockefeller Bide. STENOGRSPHER A Must be experienced; one who can also do clerical work given preference. Box 1007 W.

Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER Experienced; permanent position for one competent. Box 117 Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER for large manufacturing concern who has had private secretary experience. In answering state nature of private secretary work previously done Box: 623 V.

Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk. Rapid, accurate and willing: give references and salary desired, Box 1308 Ml. Plain Dealer, STENOGRAPHER, Acquainted with millinery business THE HART CO. 429 Superior IF.

STENOGRAPHER baring good preparatory education and good course 111 stenography; will pay $70 per month to start with: inrreases At ability is proven: state age, education and other details. Box-302 V. Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER for law office; must. be rumand experienced in legal work; state age, experience and salary.

7183 Dealer, STENOGRAPHER and clerk for moring picture supply busine; prefer one wha has had similar experience: state wanted. Box W. Plain Healer. LA with dictaphone experience preferred; a knowledge of French and Ananiab desirable. Box 800 W.

Plain Dealer. STENOGRAPHER, rapid and accurate, errorienced in general office work: and galCary Box 1125 Main Dealer. STENOGRAPIIER. experienced, must he rapid and accurate. Apply 1314 Swetland RidE.

per mouth: state age and exp, Box 007 Plain Dealer, wanted. Apply Mr. Marcus, 506 Amer. Trust Bldg. ETENOGRAPHER, experienced, for general office work.

1030 Ruse Hide. TYPISTS for addre wing: good wages. Apply 1318 W. TOth at. WAITRESSES 3: no Sunday work.

Stoner's Lunch, 2088 and 2060 4tb st, TE Parmly Hotel, will lainerile. pay Ohio. gund wages, Apply YOUNG LADY for large insurance office: responsible position and good salary. Reply. Box 1117 Plain Dealer.

YOUNG ladies to enter training school for nurses; must bare at least 1. year high school or equiralent; applicants fron country and small towns especially acceptable; $13 average monthly allowance; personal interview required. Lakewood hrapital. 14519 Detroit. at.

Roth phones. ELDERLY woman to take charge of Ar amall store: hrs. 8 m. to 8:30 p. salary $10 week and commiasion: must be good at figures.

Rot 122 T. Plain Dealer, TOUNG LADY to do office work: must be (Dere and Electric Light Enlarking 1514 Prospect av. WANTED- Girl on power Singer sewing machine; wood, job for right girl. Inquira 1278 W. 6th, The Travelers Bag Mfg.

2d Floor. MARRIED WOMEN- Make good money spare hours each day. Why not you? Apply hetween 5 and 8 p.m. 8002 Quimby av, upstaira. ANTE Memorial designer; one who can da bookkeeping, typewriting, corresponding.

all around steady work. Apply 1331 E. Goth, YOUNG GIRL to take care of child 3 years old: home nights: East End. Eddy It, 4411 South bird, ANTED -Two god can to sell household 8351 E. 128th north of Kinkman rd.

YOUNG girl with bonkkeeping and for small mic. office. Apply 931 Schoa 14 WOMAN for laundry work; hours A day. Snow White Hand Laundry, 110th stu For NG to do decker posting. Apply 303- 300 Superior Bidg.

WHITE MAIDS WANTED, 890 per month, room board. Hotel Cleveland, YOUNG LADY to clerk at. retail stand. 21TI E. 4th st.

circulars; steady work, Itoom sos W. Mayerior ar, SITUATIONS WANTED. 12 experience, expert, destres work, time or Sunday: Eddy 3. Ber. 20 curable taking full charge bouta, desires to reliable 415 Plain Icaler, AUDITOR, SYSTEMATIZE vill op close or beep books by day month.

Bor Plain ADVERTISING MANAGER has time apart adrer. from duties ya concern deselop and sales promotion work for two 9 Jere experience selling and adrettising over twenty intelligent a Lion; fee; for Box 1 fears in all line of exit high school and coliege; 414 W. Pain Dealer. office deal and halances: ver work. 4401 Kinsmen 4.

ROOK KEEPER and c.neral once man: can 13 years' tar. ed: can tarnish be of reference, Hot 300 V. Dealer, BOOKKEEPER, can open and cices and prepare cuancal statements, destres LAMI connection. Kox 025 W. Plain Dealer, CARPENTER wants ceieral work.

or estimates furn, tart. 8140 J. Good Inside cr out: reasonable prices. Lady CHAUFFEUR White. 40 married, Years desires driver.

1 ref, Pian Lea ler. CHAUFFEUR dres. permanent position, GarBed 2571 CHAUFFEUR married. pirate 172 position: high cara, Box 123 Pinin CHEMIST, general laboratory rare superintendence, construction and concrete work; recently discharged soldier: clean record. Glen H.

Haven. St. COOK- Colored man; restaurant, club, botel private, Gardeld 4870 W. ty; int. st.en/ grapher, desires: evening work; one 14 hours ream table, Dox Plain Dealer.

ELECTRICIAN with experience to and 1. construction and maintenance: years with E. Co. Box 018 T. Pam Ivealer, ENGINEER Call between 12 4 m.

Best ret. Cent. 8832. 1153. FARMER, several years working manager, cottage is Lin supplied, chfidreD: Box 9G, Chagrin.

Irition Palls, wants work around the house, and willing do other jp private family, 814 Plain Dealer, GARDENER reliable; tri, 403. Dealer. GARDENER with experience and bust ref. wishes position. 11626 ru.

whitewashing and general clean. ing. Central 2022 R. 2320 E. 31th st.

to LAYEROUT, presently employed, desires change in employment: married man, industrinus. and reliable, American by births; ran lay out work truth blue printa and sketches; structural steel. heavy plate and derelop pat hat a terns in metals of all quages; have brartical experience tinner, and several years' experience Vitire in laying 10 Gut and 'handling of men. What have Addies Box 203 W. Dealer, MASTER with engineer's license, to connect with wane goud Arm.

where honesty and will be appreciated and rewarded: long A-1 reterencen. Addr Itox 113 W. Pla.n realer, MEAT A-1 ref. in wholesale 4 lang. Box 212 W.

Pain work; Teas, 1, E. Turman, 2119 M. Alst at. PAINTER. PAPER HANGER, Arat-class, wants PAPER cleaning.

painting: walls washed, kal. wimining. perfect work. Harry, Itosedale 4901. 7517 Carnegie, PAPER CLEANING and paint washing is my losedale painting.

joside or out. Pricey Eldy 0602. colored mau wishes 3 boars mornings, lot 113 W. Plain Dealer. SHIPPING CLERK -Experienced: best referBox 1818 SHIPPING CLERK or man, strong, sober.

Eddy 3328 R. 515 V. Plain Dealer. AND CLERICAL POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN: EXPERICALL CENTRAL 4993 OR BOX 713 V. PLAIN DEALER, TIMI KEEPING payroll work: beat reference, Box 400 Plain Dealer, WALL paper cleaner, Arst-class; reference.

0. A. Walker, 2100 W. 41th graduate, experienced along chemical. mecahnical and testing lines, has executive ability and can handle men, desires connection where sound taxiness and thorough technical training will ba useful, Box 81Y7 V.

I'lain Dealer, WANTED A with manufacturing conGetTi in 8 mechanical capacity: hare natenta for three household. labor saving commodities 10 with Address Mechanic, 403 lang YOUNG married man desires general work: at present employed in account department of rallruad; salary, $123 mo. Box W. Plain Dealer. EXPERIENOED, energetic young: fanner, wants to manace or help run lariu or rent on shares.

A. 4114: E. 100th st, way 903 Union 633 1 OX labur superintendent desires praition in city or out of town, capable of handling. labor around factury or on construction work, Box 1820 W. Piain Iealor.

TOLLEGE MAN' with degrees B. and C. F. will tutor grades, high school. college subjects.

Day or ereuing. Marlo 2058 Jf. POSITION AS night watchman: competent to take care of heating plant; best references furnished. Frank J. Smith, st, man with 3 exp.

desires position a3 cost clerk and timekeoper with manufacturing concern. Box Plain Dealer, lika 49 city salesman or collector, Box MARRIED man. age with machine, would 122 Plain Dealer. TODSG MAN. formerly garage owner des.

ton; hon. discharged. Edge, 1603 k. 3208 W. ANth man wants position or chauffenr; not afraid of work, Phone Hosedale 1150 colored man wishes pos, 84 butler.

driving; thest of reference, (all or write 101st. st. YOUNG MAD. desires meition, chauffeur, other work and minor repairs. Box 301 W.

Plain Dealer. EDUCATED young 11811, 21. wants position; can drive machine, F'rin. 2420 1. 2019 E.

a MAN Adore a experienced, Porter, 22191 wants 43d day at. work, odd jobs. WILL audit open. close and keep books. Rox 1225 Plain Dealer.

YOUNG JOAN desirm position Ou farm; experiarced. Ralph Thomas, 5510 'Niman av. MARRIED man wAnts position 011 farm, Alet. Sydorko, 2401 Woodhill Al. desires position on farm.

John Merko. 0019 flolton av. YOUNG man wants position on a farm. ar. wants farm work.

J. Kiritzki, 10305 Elwell av. EXT. chaufour and write cook; city ref. Garf.

Mart 1 ACCOUNTANTS. ACCOUNTANT WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR KEEP BOOKS EDDY 6033 SITUATIONS FEMALE. mfg. experience; capable of taking full charge.

managing assist. ants. compiling financial statements, alto handling correspondence and credits and lection: desires permanent position with opportunity for future: bust of references. Box 101 V. Plain, Dealer.

experienced; can take full 30; able to take dietation. (all 2707 CLEANING by day, to best or references. Box 1121 P'lain Dealer. COOK and laundress, Arst-class, heat reference: or cooking. downstairs work, 3600 Carnegie, -Managing institution, hospital.

hotel or aptmta. Hos 316 WV. Plain Dealer LAUNDRESS wants family and bundle wash: lAce curtaina specialty; work guaranteed. 7700 Wade Park. Rocedale 8974 PRACTICAL NURSE -Middle aged.

wishes ento care fur invalid lady or gentleman: a chronic cases preferred: no obiection to country place Box 110 V. Plain Dealer. SECOND WORK and coming wanted by 2 girls, 11200 Ashbury av. 2002 D1. SEWING OF hove, by reliable colored woman, Broad 682 M.

STENOGRAPHER or reference; private salary secretary, $100. 1-1. Garexperience: field D177 J. STENOGRA desires permafent with rel. Arm.

Central STENOGRAPHER, W. wants work half days; $9 Box TI Plain Dealer. TYPIST. general offre aloo witch board! onerator. STE.

exp. Bor 17. I'lain Dealer. and ironing to take home; Arst-class work; reference. Garf.

4318 COLLEGE WOMAN- degrees R. Ph. will tutor languages, class and private, Rose, 1358 W. REFINED woman wants care of children and riot with housework 4 days a week. Dox 300 P'lain Dealer.

YOUNG LADY desires change. position at -nog. and, Dealer. bookkeeping. $15.

Box 102 W. Plain SITUATION wanted as housekeeper: ex periencel, Farmount W. SOUNd lady wishes position A.s book keeper and cashier. Rot 413 Plain Dealer, WOMAN in hotel management open for position. fox 416 W.

Main YOUNG lady wishes general housework by hour. Bor 801 W. Plain Dealer, WOMAN wants trashing and 'ironing; steady place. 2073 Grand ar, 2 want gen. hswork: experienced cooks.

4012 ('linton ar. GIRL wante day work washing and ironing, 980 16. GIRL wants gen. hawork. 0221 W.

A Ty carl neecing trendie 5903. antics Kinaman write to Cleve tin Army Home, In narenn Employment Bnrenus. (Female) REST. day workers, laundress and cleaners supplied free. Star.

Main 5331. Cent. 5531. STENOGRAPHERS. Public multi 852 Ola Arcade.

Euclid end. M. CLEVELAND DRESSMAKING AND CUTTING. YO0 DO YOER OWN OT dress for 11; Gart. 1465 Crawford and: children's veriaz.

1782 made: to order; a at. SEW and BATE MME SEWING REMODELING School. of 213 ladies' olde. Prim, 3190 3 2. Garf.

1817 ARDEN HOTEL 1815 and in with each er withont hath; run. water priv. mod. price; weekly rates. Pros.

1716: Cent CLARK HOTEl A $1: weedy rates up, 1210 Prospect HOTEL TALGARTH Pr spect het. and F. rates. HOTEL OHIO, OPP. Y.

W. C. A. Prat. 3044 1, 1627 Pooras $3.70 HOTEL LOXE.

2018 Proacpect cam heat: $1 10 $1.60. with we rates. INN Rates to 1408 $1.50 SUPERIOR day; A 19. per KENSINGON HOTEL RESIDENT AND 334 and a 3282 ROOSI FOR RENT, BOARDING. ARCADE HOTEL SOL.

N. day: $2.14) bath, CARNEGIE near with bd. for 2 centlemen. Romedale 4018 CARNEGIE, Desirable well furn. beautiful home: every Kachid car.

CARNEGIE, 1100 -Well furn, beard; w. heat: Cedar or Euclid car. CORNADO. wished frt, room: $2.50 per week. 12Tl ST 1430-2 Inquire I.

Pope, 023 id af, Main E. 7131 ire front suitable 2 cents; also rooms, Rose. 4103 J. GSTIT, 2020 North front ona. two steam beat.

electric lights: mingle mom, 65TH, 1818. Suite Sitting room and joining room; piano, ate. 4188 65TH. 182 Double front room: all for 2 yAng Iden or comple, employed, E. Pleasant frt.

priv, home. 1480 M. E. or. Euclid Laude front room two: also groall at E.

COTIL ST. room and board: home cooking: home phone, piano. G4TH and Euclid -Well furnished outride room in high class apartment for business man; rel. Hunt. 1358 W.

1918-Nicely furnished bedroom on 1 at floor: kitchen, 70TH. 1073- High clara room with permanent; gent. and wife; ref exchauzed; garage, Rose 5072. E. 2178-Good rm, and board for also table board; home cooking: all CON F.

73D. nr. Fuel Tarze parlor and bedroom, team heat, clor use of diniox room and kitchen. Call Rose. 5877, 730, 1881 Pure, room for refined gentleman, in private Suite 4 -Well mod.

prefer ladies. Call after p. th, E. 2121. Sutte 7- Nicely turn room: steam heat; for cont or business lady; Cedar Of buchd Car.

7TH. 1021 -Het w. Euclid and Hough; pleasant. sim, heated rm. for gentleman, E.

2072. -Comfortably furn. modern for men; Emolid or Cedar car. E. TATH.

1930 Front room and board for two: near Euclid; garage optional. E. T9TH, 1931; Suite 5- Desirable room for sent: priv. apt. all conv.

81ST. nr. Euchd -Nicely furn. in at ht. $20 gent ref.

10j 119x 1111 Plain Dealer. E. large room, nicely far. fished: private bath, or, Euclid car lie, F. 818T, furn.

rm. for one or two: private family; ref, required. 821. 1388 pleas. front rm: 1-class board, for 1-2 gents wishing good surroundings.

F. 820. 1604 Pleasant furn, large front room for 1 or 2 meu; all Bell phone. 1902. -Nicely furnished with board, for of 2 gents: l'ayne car.

E. R4TH, fam front 1 or also garage. Garfield 3180 J. E. 11.

2121 NEWLY FURN ROOM FOR ONE Ol TWO: CEDAR CAI GAR. 1352 W. 030 2106 Extra large. well furn. front rial.

with running water, stmt. Euclid and Cedar cars. Garf. 2474. 4 K.

100T 2080-Furnishea rooms. modern, electric light; nr. 3 car lines. E. 10TH 2134.

mute 1 Room for board: all conveniences, E. 102D. rin, for business woman; kitchen, bath, laundry, phone, E. 105TIL, 1808 HIGH CLASS ROOM: GENT WITH REP. ONLY.

HARROW PARK HOUSE, OVERLOOKING PARK. E. 114 ST. 550-Front rm, in mod. home; 2 meals a day; for gentleman, Eddy 773 M.

E. ST. 280 and bed; also 4-rm. and bed: all conv. E.

rooms. all conT. St. Clair car. private family, 82 and $2.50 per wk.

POLY 710-Nirely furn. modern home, 1. or 2 genta. Eddy 7053 EUCLID ARCADE 80-LET US DIRECT TOU FREE TO TIE BEST ROOMS IN TOWN. BEST SERVICE ROREAU, 11818-Large front 1DI.

4 sim. every geutleman ouly, AV. 1600-Several beautiful new furnished rooms; all conv. EVERTON 10020-Furn. room for breakfast if desired.

GOLDEN A nicely furn. Cedar CHI to D. 82d. I block south, after 5 p. m.

AV. 7300, Suite 2-Very destrable room. mahogany furniture and oriental rugs, privilege of living room and bath; no other roomers: $8 per week: suitable for young men or man and wife. Phone 4207 W. LEXINGTON 0508-Pleasant front room.

guitable for two' gentlemen; handy to Park and Payne cars. Princeton 492 W. LEXINGTON AV. 6106 -Pleasant. large front sleeping suitable for 2 or 8 adults, LIBRARY AND 32D: Suite 2-2 furn ail MATHEWS Well furn.

front private family; gentleman preferred. Phone Starlo 4341 W. PROSPECT. 3025-Nicely furnished largo front room, Hosedale 0079 W. 84T11, 1450-I'leasant rootu in priv.

family. Falge. 1310 R. W. Furnished All conent to Lorain car, 1642.

sleeping runs. with bath, for 1 or 2 gents: priv. breakfast optional: ref. required. 14 ith garage.

COMFORTABLE ROOMS, FAIL PRICES SERVICE FREE N. Homes Reg. Bureau, 100 City LARGE room adj. bath, for one or 1w0 girls ployed; breakfast if desired. Eddy 5035 R.

after Sunday. COMFORTABLE room with private family. 4104 Memphis av. Harrard 2045 J. ROOM suitable for refined ample: board optional.

Box. 1132 V. Plain Dealer, PLEASANT furnished room in st. ht. fat Burlid car line.

Garfield WA ROOMS FOR RENT CLINTON. nicely furn. rms, and 1 sinale room, Elgewater 2773 J. CRAWFORD furnished rooms tor light with range, CROXDEN, 3907 Prospect- rooms; also room with kitchenet. DETROIT AV.

10104, Lakewood Furnished nom, light housekeeping, private family. DETROIT, 111042 nicely farm. rms. for light or 3d floor. DECKER AV.

8312 -2 licht. luskre. romns. reasonable; ladies preferred. Gardeld 4630 W.

197 11, 1751-Nicely furn. suites. and st. bt. and elec.

$7 to $16. E. 1TH. 1040 Large front room on main door for light housekeeping. F.

0190 Two nicely furn front for 1t. all phone, Rose. 2317 J. E. 65TH.

1910 room, bgnt sery reasonable, 2103- Beautiful front room; conF. for light rooking. Iceedale 2873 1. E. BATH.

1414- Large. nicely furn. room on ground floor: all conr. G3TH. 2014 Cozy 2 rm.

hakpe. mite; stm. bt. run. water, for couple: ROTI ST.

furn. suite; All 1clid car. Phone. 75TH 497 -Two nicely furnished light hopsekeeping rooms; adults only. F.

2003 Large rm. and kitchenette first finor: bus, people. Garf. 7120 J. 2184, near furn, moms, adults, SAT ST.

2 couple emp. priv, home. DOTH, Just south Eurlid hekne. rooms: private: el. ht.

030 ST. bath, h. W. elec. 1., laundry: garage.

Cedar car. E. hakie. room. Eddy 0627 ref.

req. EDDY large modern good location, Eddy 4556 ECCID 7919 for cirls with 1cht housekeeping privleges: $2.50 per week. PROSPECT. Nicely furnished moms for It. all Rosedale 0079 W.

PROSPECT -Nice clean housekeeping and sleeping rms. PROSPECT, 3312-Vicely furn, light bskpe. mom and kitchenet, Phone serrire. ST. Furn, bakpe, rms hath.

It. 25, Mart. car. WANTED TO REST ROOMS, BOAR WANTED -BY two business women, four furnished housekeeping room; strain heat: rate hath and ric lights; Fast (Hereland or Heights preferred. 11401.

9:2 R. YOUNG lady. do room, with breakfast. in private family; Eust Side; best of references, Box 425 W. Pain Dealer.

YOUNG man wishes and bound, (if 105th; references. Bos 624 Plain Dealer, CHIT DREN BOARDED. Girl 16. 14; nr, I.kwd. High: bi.


LARGE ST. AT. EDDY 1121 M. BROADWAY 15. tali are and Graff.

136. E. I.TH, Three nicely Fam. Dect The janitor 819: mo, japitor. 7TH, sate: 13 will decorate $50.

W. Inquire janitor, ECCLID UZIGHTS HEATED FLAT. New traliding fast iceless. modern HE 8105. 00 D- 8150 per month: and 5-room quire of janitor, Eddy A70 M.

Main 7310. ELOLID Elegant mine. .2 and hath: new: modern: The Amal tit FORTIETH 4-rorm mite, Prospect 1434. FRANKLIN. all mod.

cont. rent: $45, Call Fay, duite 3, Franklin HAMPSHIKE. hid. ur, tine: 11 modera conT. K.

Hi. 1000, MOCCH AV. bath. st. water: inq 1289: suite HOVER 1686.

close to Eurlid 6-100m suite: stm. janitor service: $55. PTS 8314. Euclid. Unturn, sure; sublet April 1024 1: lease p.

Nor. 1: seen by appt. Fair. LAKE AV. 11471.

The Modern Apt light rms. stro. janitor service: Ice the lake: rent Marlo 1810 RI. APT rooms; maid's room a tad by in on and car line: near 103th and Eurid; $73. Call Garf.

25TH. Nice room front mite, $17. Hee Mr. Thompson, 8442 W. 23th at; WORLEY AT 7502 Fire bath.

pler. PLATS FOR RENT. ADDA, 1901 D. 40th. nr.

Euclid 6 rms. and bath; elegantly furnished. Inq. Suite 3. AMESBTRY.

0342 Will share an attractive flat with reined couple. Gardeld 8101 J. 2: will share my ND. bt. apt.

with 2 others. Call Sunday or eves. (Wade Park far to 00th.) CLAIL-DOAN 535 E. 105th-4 and 5-r. office hrs.

Ni d. Tr 841; after 6 p. m. call Crest. 599 DETROIT" AV.

2732, Suite 4-Will my furnished 4.rm. suite with young or middleaged couple: rent no object. suite: jartion to colored Pros. 833 Cent. 3879 W.

E. 65TH, 2055-NICELY FURNISH: ED ROOM. ALL, CONVENIENCES; REASONABLE. E. TIST, 1043-3 rooma and private bath, all front suite: $10 per week.

HARTFORD RI. 13430, Exet. Cleveland -Five lower suite, modero: near 140th car, 1792 Eiber in af. Garfield 4823 3F. HOUGIE AV Will rent all or part 1.

beautifully fura. today at HOUGH AV. DITI ST. BACHELOR OR SUITE. GARF, 9323.

55TH 30 $0.50 to $11 weekly; elec, lights. gas, Central W. 57TH. like 140 to share -Have with four room couple: furn. pririlege suite: of would entire suite.

PURNISHED Knowlton, $40; Strathmore, C. $130; Lorain, 5. 117th, $170; Hough, Earlid, $90: Carlson, $200. VOSSELLER, 874 32. 105th.

Eddy 1111. NICELY furn. 4-rm. apt for couple, eler. light, hot water on Hough aF.

near E. 70th st. Rosedale 4184 QUINCY 10013-5 and bath, mod. upstairs. Ina.

2217 E. 100th W. 1020. 1331: off Mitton-5 rms. up; all couple preferred.

WILL SHARE (all Main nicely 2043. furn. flat, congenial younz couple. 4 ROOMS and bath, completely furnished. Eddy 5496 WANTED TO RENT FLATS.

4 REFINED widow lady wants 2 or 3 nice, modern rins, with privata bath, large clothes closet, laundry, must be clean and quiet; with middle aged poopie; not over $12 or $15. Box W. Plain Dealer, WANTED by couple, before. May 1. apt.

or 2- fam, 5 or Not over $00; near Fu- Box clid and 105th, or close in on- Heights, Plain Dealer. WANTED House or apt, of Ave or sir rooms close to Payne, Superior or Euclid cars. Phone Heaves, Garfield 2043 W. 10 til your call THE AMBLER REALTY CO. RENTAL SPECIALISTS, Mr.

Gar. 434A: Prin. 2318 10210 Euclid. 4 ROOMS and Box modern, 612 T. West Plain Side, Dealer.

March or 13. Pros, 1218. IF YOU HAVE A VACANCY call THE 4783-3600 HAM CO. They'll fill it. Gar.

HOUSES FOR RENT. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 16916 Endora roadUpper suite: garage: $45 per month. 3D 13504, off Hayden, Fast Clevelandroonia, down. 49TH, suite: for colored peonie.

Prospect 1725: 1721. E. SOTT I'la. 1135 Upper four rooms and bath, Inquire 8003 Hough av. E.

116TH ST 32354 room: and gun parlor: all mod. rent $35, Call Prin. 442 R. E. 181ST, 3623 New 2-family; rms, and bath; $25, or will sell on easy terms, Garf.

8125. E. 1330, 1297-2-family, suites. $35.70. or will sell on easy terms.

Garf. 8125. E. 13401. 3205 5 bath; new; 2-faur.

house, 3288 R. MULBERRY newly decorated: $11. Main 2476. J. 1264 W.

4th st. OREGON AV. house, $25 per mo. J. behaiser, 335 E.

Ohio Gas Bldg. Main 2574. ROCKY RIVER- HALF DOURLE: GARAGE, 538. MARIO IST6 K. 11104-4 bath, un, $20: Eucl.

Boh. car. Inn. A. Pilot.

651 UNION AV. 13200-Bod 5 bath, down, $81. Main 6413: Cent. 461. 3171.

modern, all conv; $21 per month. Miler, Slain 6311. WOODLAND rooms and bath; $30 Main 1537: t'entral 0000. FURNSHED HOUSES FOR RUNT. E.

150TH. 132 rms. mod. piano, cellar, attic, mir, beach; by poss. now.

Eddy 829 M. COMPLETELY furn, 7-rm. house on the lake opposite Furlid Reach park: immediate session. Main 4022. 417.0 118TH, let 1266-7 11430 Im.

Figerater nouse, dr. garage; Marlo WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. THREE careful adults, or A room single by April in East End: Superior or Euclid line; 835 to. $10. Box 519 V.

Plain Dealer. WiLl pay $5 to anyone who will hein ma secure antall apt. or house before April 1: E. Clevelaud preferred. G.

339, Hotel Statier. TO 15-room house on Euclid car line, between 10th and F. 105th st. 4820 Euclid. Rose.

4 OR 5-RM. house or modern Side, by married couple. Marlo 2464: Highland 404), house or apartment on East Sida, in gord location. Raced alp 337 11' WANTED FURN. ACCOMMODATION FURNISHED kitchenet.

apartment, or tiro rooms. fur young couple; $45. 612 11' T'ain Dealer. FAR FOR REST. SMALL Cler.

farm. Including tenant house, for rent op share. Eddy 210 WANTED 'TO RENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT or lease. house with land; Elyria Herea line.

Phone Marlo 4132 J. to 10 acres. suitable for chickens, with house. 14:6 F. 172d st.

OFFICES FOR RENT. LIGHT, AIRY. OFFICE in Williamson Bldg. with a superior stenographie. and typist service.

300, or call at: 330. Williamson Bldg. PRIVATE OFFICE in law office suite. Leader furnished if draired: rent reasonable; references, Rox W. Plain Dealer.

OFFICE: DESK STENOG. PHONE. PRIVATE office and desk spare with steno graphic service, 416 Hippodrome ENTIRE 7th door Sincere 60172 ft Lewis Alain 2225: Cent. 1940 W. WANTED RENT OFFICES.

OFFICE wanted on low 00 Furlid Phone Main 1490, Call at once. GARAGES FOR RENT. GARAGE SPACE in modern fireproof, heated minutes from Euclid; Wade Park ands cars pass dour. Phone Rosedale 2007. between m.

and 5 p. GARAGE 10.000 elevator: 2021 E. 324 betw. Euclid and Prospect. Ir.

I. -P. or H. E. Pore, 023 Euclid Main 4467.

50-car rapacity, well equipped; good location. Ine. 2743 Mayfeld DESIC ROOM FOR REVT. A EU'CLID 300, Suite 810-Furn. odice; BUSINESS PLACES FOR RENT.

DOWNTOWN BUILDINGS MANUFACTURING AND STORAGE SPACE. 32.000 -Howe 15,040 Lots -W. 9th Store on bear 6th st KOBLITZ. 211 THE ARCADE Main 5943. Central: 2354.

STORE FOR RENT Gond for anything. 6504 Woodland inquire The Shenker Realty 836 Eng. bidr. MaiD 250 or Cent. R.

at Fore upstairs in front. NR. ECCLID and store: brick hide cement collar, el. Ita, Ca partition Tear for living quarters; low rent. Gage, for 3431: Cent.

3420 W. PROSPECT AV. 4 304-Tbird Boor. freight $45. Cent.

4963 Main 2054 STORE, and right living rooms for rent or a le. WANTED BUSINESS STORE for tea lunch room: must te in busy section. $30 or $79 would sider apace with Garf. 1 FACTORY SPACE FOR RENT. FACTORY SPACE.

17.000 square feet. all part. Shields- and Scorill. Apply 2400 Woodland; Wertbeim Co, 2.500 80. suitable for light mg Ina.

Sir. Haina, 324 Superior WANTED SUMMER COTTAGE. SUMMER COTTAGE on lake front; beach W. Side preferred; bedrooms, garage; within 40 from equare Prim. 1477 BUSINESS OPPOR LES.


5 1 $., terms: 1,250 downtown, 5.100 MOVIE theater, real 3.300 D. N. GRILD 413 SCHOFIELD MAIN 2320. BARBER white, 3 chairs; good busi Dead; reason for selling. 3003 Payne av.

Delicatessen and Restaurant We hare good proposition for 1st class party. Iranbrooke Hotel. 1924 105th, ur. Euclid Garf. 14.

DRUGS Clearing $1,200 yearly, for $5,000 cash, balance terms: reason interest in other enterprise, Box 221 S. Plain Deaier, business, an cos of the towns in Ohio; good trade: stock in fine shape; low rent; general delivery; priced to sell itself: full particulars to interested party, BOx 1 V. Plain Dealer. GARAGE, 30 car capacity; well equipred; and business. Inq.

2763 Mayfeld rd. HOTEL- 10 modern: lease: $300 down, bal. fro profit. 1131 Superior av. Prospect 288 W.

Central K. LIVERY. draying, hoarding and sales atuble for aale; established 16 location on business atreet: reason for selling, interested in other business. For information write Drexler, 2412 Peach st, Erie. l'a.

LUNCH ROOM, running. free rent. free gas; only required to operate, Call at 1240 F. 9th et, OFFIOH bus ness wanted; will pay casb; give details, Box 624 V. Plain Dealer, PICTURE THEATER.

Ofer theater building; one of the brat locations in Cere and: price $3.500. 619 Ameriran Trust HIGg. POOL ROOM tables, cigar front; finest firtures in the state: will sacrifice: owner retires from. business. 11622 Detroit av.

ROOMING HOUSE (just listed), near Euelid, 12 rooms, 2 bathe. eler. rent owner gives board to three rowers only: coma $275: well lucking house, terns $300 down torer 75 ether good APPLE 617 Schofield Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES One, 12 rent. $50; all light 1.000: terms easy: 9 rent price A rm9, rent $23: jrice $100 cash; to buy or sell a business get my list.

DURBIN, 511 Schofield Bldg. HOUSE, 20 rooms, walking distance from equare; rent $07. income $205; all sleepers; prices $500 down. DURBIN, 511 Schofield Bldg. HOUSE.

57th 10. elec. lighta: nicely furnisbed; rent $27; price $800; $400 SIMIONSON, 1013 Schofield Bld. HOUSE, nr. 20 2 baths, rent $36; inc.

$150; a sure bargain; hampt. and scenery, price $1.100. Main 311 Citizens Bd ROOMING HOUSE PARTLY FURNISHED. 10 ROOMS, Camerie rent $40; price $400, terms half cash: this today. APPLE 617 Schofield Bldg.

13IG. HOUSE. H. 55th 2 baths; rent $50, inc, $225: price $1,200, terms to suit. SJIITH 415 Schofield bldg RESTAURANT (box $1.700.

F. S. Krause, LUNCH $250, $1,000, News Bldg. RESTAURANT for sale, cheap: ererything in cond. Main 5017.

39 Fuchd Arcade, ROOMING house- rooms: will sell cheap if sold at once, Owner, 1881 E. 40th st. ROOMING HOUSE. 10 rms. Fuc reas.

good $030. $400 1811 E. 63th. RM G. MOUSE.

13 A-1 price $600. Lobe, 429 Garfield Bldg. NO ICK THIS YEAR By anting promptly FOuL may acquire for only a license without royalty to buy, assemble and sell under my exclusive patents. an electrical device that replaces ice, proven colder, cleaner and cheaper. fully automatic and sell regulating; parts to assemble call be purchased in any quantity and can be readily anywhere with little labor and no machinery; quick turn over, tremendous profits; every home, farm and store a prospect; this is the coming business: now is the time to get, into it; don't wait, Fred W.

Wolf, 327 N. Welis Chi- Is your ambition to have a store of your own? It 50 why not join a fast growing organization in which you can get in on the ground floor basis. To those who qualify as executives store managers, we will pay salary and We divide will with back yOu on a sharing bats. up your investment of A few hundred dollars with additional money, together with big buying facilities. For interview address Box 303 R.

Plain Dealer, cago, 111. A REAL LIVE GROCERY OPPORTUNITY SALESMAN WITH A CAPITAL OF $5,000 To handle the distribution of necessity. which, conservatively estimated, will net from $10.000.0 to $25,000.00 per rear. to not apply atted to handie under abore qualification and with ability to meet dealer trade on A. Hotel bizh Cleveproposition.

Call Room 3053. land, and ask for Mr. Cozine, WANTED ROOMING HOUSES WHAT HAVE YOU? BUYERS WAITING LIST AT ONCE CLARK WAITE Main 5827. 383 The Arcade. Central 3418 R.

FOR Mining rights on bout 10,000 arres of land, containing stea.m and co*king coal, with surface rights sufficient for operations, close to railroad; there ATP a 25 open locations front which natives have taken their house supply: plenty of tire will be given for examination: reasonable cash payment after report if satisfactory: balance on time: a lira concern can pay the purchase price of production. Address P. 0. Box 63, Buffalo, N. Y.

for further information. WANT to hear frown parties with from $30 to $200 to infest in one of the fastest growing cornorations in the country: product has national reputation and is completely sold for 1919 with big profits assured: investor most unusual opportnnity for the small who cannot afford to lose or V. take big chances. Dealer, Box 410 Plain GENTLEMAN who has money and is willing to loan small amount to a young man who has eighteen months in this" war. who has chanre to go into bnsiness that he understands; A good, paying proportion: will furnished the het reference and security, Answer Hos 617 W.

Plain Iraler. BUTCHERS -BIG OFFORTUNITY. We want associated with our organization. who operating understand chain. the stores, cash business.

We furnish store rood reliable spare: you buy and sell meats on intestment your own reaccount: nO. rent to T. pay: Plain small quired. Box 1207 Dealer. A MONEY MAKER Confectionery store, doing good city.

business; must sell; carner retiring: leaving BROS. C. 154. 914 American Trust ride. M.

8323. in in great oil fields of Texas hare made people wealthy, On receipt of inquiry taining will A ur proren Sale Bet Oil map and fall particulars Main st. Fort Worth. CAN SELL TOUR BUSINESS IN 10 DAYS N. GRILIA 413 SCHOFIELD.

MAIN 2320. EVERT wine man will look into this right away, Let 11.8 sun how $150 will. br ng you from $10.000 to in lifetime. couple of Call years. at This the chance of your 0153 F.

53th on Saturday, Sunday or Wednesday afternoon, lytween 2 and 5 o'clork. PARTNER wanted with $300 and sal ices for biz Jive wire proposition, opportunity to make money mean business Plain answer with phone number. Box 1310 Ohfo corporation needs $1,100 at once to be infested proposition in is Tery stock; cood. DO Box services 201 quired but Plain Dealer. TO BUY TO SELL Call CLARK WAITE, 333 The A 3418 rade.

R. Main 5837. Central Ay established tailoring from store: must sold at once: retiring Superior. FOR SALE Sand and gravel v. bank; Plain Dealer.

cheap: cated railroad. Box 216 STORES OTHER OPENINGS PARKER. 509 GUARDIAN IF 3001 want to buy or sell mirz bouse or business call Mr. Scott. 4783.

2315 -Fix up 333. old fixtures. Central T049 Main" HAVE $1.000 for restaurant. What bare you! Main 5837: Central 3418 R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.

(Continued from Precotts POTASH- -POTASH Small Investment 30B realize the fur Fortunes bare beca made ere night. The future bolds great promise for well the LouD indury, en laporta from need additional capital to commill. This company has- so inexhausible supply of 2 rork. Cleveland business mot this company. For particulars by mai (withcat obligation dress Box 310 R.

Pain Dealer. INCLINED MIEN WITH $950 CASH START IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF We are conducting the oldest and largest co-op erative chain tire service atatians in the world. We are opening more throughout the United States and are tiring you this opportunity to start in basiness for yourself. Time required for training is four Weeks Fal. ary.

$30 per week. while training. $950 pars for your training and complete equipment. Our scientife and exclusive method approved: by the leading tire manufacturers. All inquiries strictly con Full details opon Address 0.

Bor 172, Station B. FORD OWNERS TURN your spare time into cab selling an seutial automobile appliance which can be installed by anyone in fire write or 1407 Achofeld B'Ar 1110 FINANCIAL. NEED CASII Will sell 20 shares preferred of Curahoga Bldg. Loan; pars Call after 5 m. at 6u FOR BUTLER'S PAINT.

$1.50 gal. 1770 W. 25th. Harv. 1541 CLEAN LUMP COAL ton: mine run nut opal or lump in 20-tun lows or mute $5 top.

Lor. 915: liar. 1962. Yes we hare P'orabontas coal, (ASH REASONABLE. 10113 DETROIT.

AVE. ENGLANDER cot. good condition; ivory chiffonier, like Dew: spring dread, cost $23, never $10. 1254 E. 51st.

GALVANIZED iron ventilator, good 50 ft. long, 48 in. cheap. 1109 Woodland. KINDLING delivered to all parts of Mere and and Caunteer Rose.

1037. Cent, 2270 W. LARGE stock of second -hand barber chairs and fixtures: Forest City Rarber Supply 2114 E. 2d Columbia Bldg, SILK LAMP SHADES of all kinds, made to order. reasonable.

Res, 0021 licugh, P'hone losedale 4130 R. TWO organs, suitable for mission, $10 each: 65 theater seats, $33; roll top desk. 1035 ProsLect ar. 1 DIONEL portable Defender, high temperatuie pyrometer. expansion dial type Defender, high temperature pyrometer.

Defender. Model incline tube draft gauger, One hot water meter. seta coal weighing scales with trays, Call Blain 12 MASONS scaffolding borses, cheap. 3516 Walton PAID 10, 412, 830, Genera, 233, 10. 21.

35, 20. SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A 3-PIECH rarlor suite, mahogany, cane back, covered in high grade relcur with loose cushions, cat $323. for $170 if old today, HOME FURNITURE STORAGE CO. ILuron near Ontario, BEDRM, mite (new), dresser.

chiffonier, hed. in walnut, ROCKFORD MAKE: would be 8 bargain at $180; sacrifice for 3036 EUCLID AF. BRASS BEDS, complete parlor set. library table. cheap.

11010 Parkview; take Burkeye rd. car to 116th st. RASERURNER, gAS and coal boaters. cheap. Storage 209 Huron rd.

BUFFALO FURN. HOSPITAL, Upholstering and repair; buy, sell. 5821 Sup. Rose. 1079 COMPLETE furnishings of 6-room or will rent apt.

furnished. Rose. 1964 M. 2077 E. T7th, Suite 2.

DINING ROOM, parlor, library and bedroom furniture and muss, god as new, at your own price. Ilome Purniture Storage 200 Iuron rd. DINING ROOM SET. Old English buffet with mirror, table and 6 chairs, 1752 Shaw East Cleveland. Eddy 250 J.

DINING ROOM SET. old English, oak mirror buffot. 10300 Clifton bird. DINING ROOM SET-9-piece; quarter sawed Gak; $00; gool condition, 11000 Cedar. DINING room set for sale.

Garfield 5425. 1397 E. bivd, Suite FURNITURE for air-room house; piano. rugs, refrigerator. for sale.

157 Broadway, Bedford, FURNITURE for tale. learing city. Stine, 2225 Cummington rd. GOLDEN OAK dining table and chairs. library Set, short leather davenport here, numerous other pieces; almost new, Garf.

8111 W. 11223 Ashbury ar, GAS range and beaters. Combination ranges and oil beaters. See us. Clera, Store.

Hepair 5312 Euclid. GRAY reed baby carriage, good condition, 2230 Grandview Suite 1. HIGH GRADE dining room suite in gen, American walnut, cost $325, will take $105 if sold todas. HOME FURNITURE STORAGE CO. 200 Huron near Ontario, JACOBEAN oak dining rm, set, buffet, table and six chairs, practically new; reasonable, Call Garfleld 757 W.

KITCHEN STOVE AND ICE BOX. MARIO 8281 J. LARGE dresser with large double French plate glass. anerial bargain at $18: mug 9x12, only $18; felt davenport mattress, only $2, used. 3036 EUCLID AV.

MISSION library table and darenport: make me an offer. Fair. 1332 31. 14:67 Superior rd. Euclid Heights car.

PARLOR suite, darenport, chair and rocker; a bargain at $160: for AV $78. 3036 EUCLID RIG. 0x12: folding bed, And other pieces. Jfarlo 1141 J. 1107 Andrews, Lakewood.

RIGS, stores, dishes, furn, of all kinds. 2035 Prospect AY, SIX Oriental rugs to be sold at Niel's atorage house, Euclid at 2 p. m. Wednesday. TWO large Turkish rorkers: will sacrifice if sold at once.

1394 Nichols rd. WHITE bedroom suite, three quarter bed: reas. ('all 8502 before 9:30 or after 6 p. m. WHITE tron bed, cheap.

Fair 1569. $400 ROOM OUTFIT Buffet, dining table and A chairs; hod da chair and rocker to match: library table and elect. lamp; dresser. bed sacless springs and Randall mattress; pillows, nigs and kitchen outfit; complete, will take 3027 cash if sold today, HOME FURNITURE STORAGE CO, 200 Huron near Ontario, 11 SAMPLE REDS. springs and mattresses: he.

Inw cost. ROSE SALES ELLASTONE BLOG. 4TH AND PROSPECT. 4 TIL FLU. 1 IRON RED and springs for, sale.

Call Edgewater 2609 SEWING MACHINES. STORAGE SEWING MACHINES ONE SINGER $11. ONE WHITE $10. 6802 SUPERIOR WANTED sowing machine: Singer number 31-15. 0.

Ale Naughton. 1001 Citizens Bhig. PHONE Bryson Co. on the square. 80 S.

W. tor repairs, Supplies for sewinz MACHINES repaired. up, 426 pert Main 481: Cent 4798 SLIGHTLY $70 No. 68 Singer, $35. 104110 St.

Clair RV, CLOTHING AND FURS. LADY'S pony skin coat: fur rollar ands Fize 36 to 39; price reas. 10704 Wade l'ark, Call mornings. full dress broadcloth suit. new.

Particulars, call Central 6415 W. Size LADY, going to France, will sell fine winter and fuminer suits and dresses. Rose 1358. EVENING GOWN. old rose and silver: size 3S: $15.

Call evenings, Rose, 2704 J. LADIES Wack plush size 40; fur collar and rafts. cheap. Main 6320. LADIES' taupe colored all wool suit, size 40.

Call Fady 20.5 M. STORE AND OFFICE RES. CITIZENS Shelring, cash registers, 1017 scalps, Wood- steam tables, stores, stools, ice boxes. Land ar. CASII REGISTERS bought and sold.


81A liuron rd. Carton FINE Wales adding machine. alt: Barroughs: guranteed; bargains. Stiller, 1263 W. 2d st.

almost new, at great reduction: must be QUANTITY of wood lector and card at once. Marshal 2081 Euclid 1522. FOR SALF-Refrigerators all for every requirement, second-band Cray and shop worn refrigerators and Roores coolers. 1915 Euclid aT. Refrigerator Telephone Sales Prospect 2241: Central 3829 K.

LUNCH COUNTER. tahiry chairs, colee, urns, steam tables. STEAM tables. restaurant. work, made to orde: Son, 915 Central tral k.

STORE FIXTURES of confectionery. ice cream cabinets, cans. tabs, utensils. Call 1025 Stark weather. SEVERAL roll.

dat top and 0340 standing E. 9th otice st. cha rs and tables: cheap. SAFES. NEW AND SECOND HAND.

DIE BOLD SAFE LOCK CO. WALES adding machine worth Garf. 1361 will W. sell for 2521 E. st.

ITE buy and sell all kinds of office W. and store 113 High C. 4199 816 HURON Number of slightly used desks and sales, TUESDAY. MARCH. 1917.

A MACHINERY AND TOOLS. WANTED-1 No. 2. Davis Keyseater, 1 small Broaching machine, 1 Heald internal Grinder, 1 Backing machine or attarhment. Must be excellent condition; state price and other.details.

Box 615 Plain Dealer. WANTED -Good second band lathe for general repair work; size about 10-inch. RICHLAND PUBLIC SERVICE Mansfield, 0. WANTED De CT serend-hand dire to connected ten-foot latte: bed: 16 or 1o-inch swing, wit can Toe 110 vOlt, $10 three phase alternating current meter: USED machine 1n the condition: one be with in full good in every Bor 4, bed. particular.

maphis, Tenn. Southern Motor 6-foot Pitt lathe, one 21-inch can turret lathe. $500: une 11-2-inch bait cutter. W. W.

SLY CO. Fdgewater 2230. MOTORS rented, soid and bought, rewound and repaired: rent and try before you bus. The largest motor in Ohio. M.

6412. THE 813 ELLIOTT Superior ELECTRIC CO. 4031 Tanks Wanted Second hand, in first-class condition: 8,000 gal. oF more. Box 817 W.

Plain Dealer. GAS BURNERS. For steam and bot water boilers, bot air furnaces, easy to change. The W. M.

PATTISON SUPPLY Cleveland I LARGE annealing furnace: 3 kick lot 2 inch and 4 inch wide by 1-8 inch thick, hot rolled steel, GUIDE MOTOR LAMP 11400 Madison av. MOTORS Jet of ofer 200 to sell. Electrio Motors 5002 Carnegie. Rosedale d280. CLEVELAND tractor and two 14-in.

bottom Oliver $1,000 for quirk sale, or what have you to trade. Box 319 W. Plain WOODTORKING. machinery. collers.

shafting. pulleys, belting. Cleveland Belting Machinery 1324 University rd. 10. 12, 19-in, Dew smoke stacks, Champion Welding Mach.

604 Prospect Jain 5-JI. P. Standard 539 engine, as cond as Stop 14, Elyria car line. Highland 100 USED LEATHER BELTING. CHEAP.

422 WV 'I YPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. Rented 8 months, $6. top-risibles. 5 months, PAYMENT $7.00 and up, APPLIES risible. IP FIRST PURCHASED.

American Writing Machine Co. Euclid Arcade, Phones: Main 2354: Central 1890 W. C. S. TYPEWRITER CO.

Expert repairing. orerhauling, cleaning; machines sold. 157 Lennox Bldg. Prospect 1000. TYPEWRITERS.

all make, sold, rented, repair Hanson Typewriter Service. 211 Columbia TYPEWRITERS sold. rented. repaired. Typewriter Exchange, 25 Euclid Arcada A GOOD assortment of rebuilt 1 writers Taylor Arrade.

bf 753. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. WE repair any watch, no matter how badiy broken. for $1: watches specialty; ostablished ten in the same location. 412 Permanent 740 Euclid ar.

WATCH and jewelry repalring: work guaranteed. 1100 Prospect. opp. Hotel W'inton WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ALL kinds of household goods we pay highest casb prices; large or small lots.

WIRICK AUCTION CO. AUCTIONEERS Cent. 5507. 2520 Prospect. Pros.

364 ALL gold, platinum, diamonds, bought for fall value in cash. Ohio Smelting Refining Co: 903 Park Hide. Next to May Co, Main 1450. ALL gents' 2d-hand clothes bought, high prices. K.

St.einbers, E. 88th. Cent, 4462 Rose. 8837 W. Send postal.

I will call, ALL kinds of household goods wanted; need the goods; will pay the price. Rosedale 386. A FEW 1905 city directories. Box 809 W. Plain Dealer.

BEST prices for household goods. etc. WAS. Harvard 1822. 1452 W.

25 th st, Central 897 IA jewelry, tools. bicycle, rultcases, all valuables, 1418 Prospoct. 'Prospect 2002; Central 3487 BUY clothes, furniture. Ben's Pawn Shop; 1401 Central av. 477 Cent.

3203 6. BEST prices paid for your furniture, stores. 8. Glaser, 7709 Quincy. Princ.

8151 K. CITIZENS wants showcases, ire boxes, counters, Cent. 7123 W. FURNITURE and clothing: pay highest Ca price. Gar.

0450 10305 Cedar. Prio. 2847 GEM AUCTION for household gooda 1664 E. 55th. C.

6687 Ruse. 389. HOUSEHOLD goods sold. exchanged. Chas Seymour, Rose, 57: Cent.

6920: Rose. 2284 M. LADIES' and men's cast-on clothing Coben, 4505 Central aT. Central 1750 I PLATINUM crucibles, wire, points, wanted. Jail to me and I will mail full cash value ramo day: confidential.

Post Office Box 5, Station l1. Bank references, SUPERIOR AT Cash for household woods. Call till 10 Garf. 0055 448 1. SOMETHING TO cash mo.

It. C. Seymour, auctioneer. Rose. 3532 THE RELTABLE ACTION 1719 E.

55th -lie buy aud sell everything; moving and expressing. Rumedale 6144 Central 2501 W. TRADE IN FOUR OLD FURNITURE ROSE FURNITURE. WADE PK. ADDISON; WIOKER SULKY Handle in back: reasonable.


WE pay best prices for household goods. W. H. Smith. Garfield 1541 W.

Princ. 2124 K. MOVING, STORAGE, PACKING. Central Storage Co. Rose.

OT. 1841 F. 53th. Central 6929 MOVING Tackard motor rang. distances.

Storage Household Goods Merchandise and heavy materials. Tard Spare. Railroad track. LINCOLN FIREPROOF STORAGE COMPANY 5660-5704 EUCLID AV. Auto moring service and storage, Roeedale: 4200.

4200. STORAGE. truck lowest rates. household new, goods freproof a buildina: auto service; specialty. HOUSEHOLD STORAGE CO.

Pros. 2284, 2340 F. 9th st. Cent, 3568 R. EUCLID A FIREPROOF STORAGE Co.

11607 EUCLID AV. Reliable movers, packers and shippers Crest 23: Garfield 45. FIREPROOF moring. parking. The Scott Bros.

1538 E. 55th. Central: 1489. Rosedala 830.0 FREE MOVING TO STORAGE Ask t18 how West Side Storage Warebouse. Harv.

1811. MOVING, expressing and long distance hauling of rates. 5504 HORSES AND VEHICLES. FAIR of marea, for weight 1.200 Greenhut single Wholesale: wagon and harness, Pale cheap. Retail Liquor.

Dealers, 3100 W. 25th st. WANTED Team horses ANG one buggy horse for down payment on one of my lots or house and lota. t02 Garfleld. Bidz.

TWO good for sale. cheap: suitable for farm ur 'any work. or team. George Jennings, 17220 Waterloo rd. SEVERAL work horses." Kirby Coal Co.

1719 Collamer just off FA id aF. E. Cle. COAL horses for. sale, 1.201 and to Big 1:700 Four.

pounds, P. Coal Yard. 2471 W. CARLOADS horses: 83 represented or money refunded. Sam Klein, Central GOOD mare, wagon and wall separate.

3328 Carnegie. rear. FAR tram. chunks. good must sell.

Call at harm. 6007 mare, young. good. worker; must sell. 7001 Cedar Suite 6.

TRAM. suitable for farmer or grade work, cheap. $100 Preenant Ar G10 GOLD AND SILVER. ANY OLD GOLD? We pay top price for. any teeth, platinum, broken silver, jewelry, diamonds, magneto points, and all other valuawatches, false Ohio Amelting Retining 1450.: 40S Coins Part RIde.


Pay market value for: diamonds. Highest GOLD prices paid for old teeth, diamond SITTER PLATINUM watches, broken jewelry, bio Smelting we pay best Redni pr for any raluables, 900 l'ark Bide. Next to May an 1450. ITE buy old gold, silver. platinum, diamon mercury.

br: kon jewelry. 012 Euciid Cheral aY. Jeweiry 207 Clarence Bldg. HIGHEST carb price Heiman. paid for 345 old Pacid.

gold, platinum. J. POCUTRY AND PET STOCK. ON ACCOUNT of die hatching hasiness: we offer for sale one capacity tocaba. tor at a big bargain.

Akron Poultry 33 Howard st. Akrva, 0.0 BOSTON terrier pupa. weil marked, 2316. dark brindle; ped, 006 Prospect Mama ENGLISH bull poppies. 2.

months. thoroughbred; W. reas. 1711 "Prospert 2904 CANARIES Fine Euclid Icices on males and cages, 10103 WILL RAY BART GUINEA PIGS. 2040 E.

100TH ST. GARF. 4316..

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.